Hi girls.. I took clomid for 2mts.. consultant wasn't happy with my blood results so he changed me to letrozole. I had only taken this for 2mts as well B4 he confirmed medication wasn't working and I needed further surgery for my Endo B4 going for donor egg ivf.
Over the last few wks I have noticed a lump on the top of my right breast. My GP says my Peck mussell has simply come loose!! I didn't really buy that n asked a chiropractor what he taught...he was very concerned n said to go back to gp n get a 2nd opinion but that as far as he was aware clomid/letrozole/strong hormone medication could well cause lumps to appear in breast tissue.
It has definitely increased in side over the last 2wks and thats after I have stopped taken letrozole. I am currently taken 200mg of progesterone for 2wks each month ..maybe it's that ..or maybe it's just another dam health issues sent to drive me insane! As if I didn't have my fair share!!
Just wondering if anyone has had similar experience..and if so did the lump go after a few mts off letrozole?? I am waiting on another gp appointment just to b safe!