Hi everyone,
This is my first time posting, and been ttc for over 5 years.. And never had a bfp after being diagnosed with a endo cyst on right hand side and having a laproscopy to have it drained.. it's now returned after a year. Currently under going Sub fertility treatment with NHS and detected reoccurence of cyst via internal scan. After 1 failed cycle of IUI with Clomid tablets, unsucessful so now awaiting funding to be approved for IVF as that's what consultants want to do. I'm only 28 years old and have been told that IVF process and possible blastocyst won't be effected if I have a endo cyst.
After reading over the past few months of everyone's stories, supplant CoQ10 has been recommended even though it hasn't been suggested by consultant at clinic where IVF treatment is to be done.. as I'm awaiting a call and appoint.
Can anyone tell me the benefits of coQ10 and if so where can I purchase from which you all recommend. Another supplement was DHEA but have been told that it's to do with ovarian reserve so I might not possibly need it. What are your thoughts.
Sorry I sound funny, and asking so many questions just not 100% sure, as the consultant said some cases funding takes a month to approve then following month the process to IVF could start.. the consultations etc.. just feel like if I can prepare my body now. Maybe it's a good idea to.
Thank you everyone for reading, as I sound so inexperienced and wishing everyone received there long waited bfp 😘😘😘❤❤❤ xxx