Hi all,
I got told the Friday before last that I am unable to start our FET cycle again this month. Basically in August I had to abandon a cycle due to meds not working, it turned out my Suprecur hadn't absorbed properly & I had grown a follicle. The following month to attempt to start FET again I had to have an early scan on day 2 to see if a follicle that had grown had disappeared. The follicle has not gone down so I have been adviced to wait for another bleed. I thought at first I was ok with this disappointment but the past week it has hit me hard again. All the feelings of not being able to conceive naturally have come flooding back, anger towards people that do not understand is on my mind & just generally feeling sad. I know I have to be patient & when things will settle down I will be able to attempt again but it doesn't take away my frustration & heart aching.
Feeling very upset this week.l but greatful to have his forum I can speak to with understanding ears to listen. Xx