Ectopic pregnancy and removal of left... - Fertility Network UK

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Ectopic pregnancy and removal of left tube

Stsr1234 profile image
13 Replies

Hi all, i would like to tell you all about my heartache. I have my second embyo transfer in july and got a positive test, the 2nd hcg did not double and they told me to stop all meds! I asked to carry on incase it would work they said no and to have a withdrawal bleed. I bleed on and off for 4 weeks which was not normal i called my clinic twice as it did not feel right but no pain. They said it is common. My gp sent me to have a ultrasound as i was flying that week on holiday. The lady scanning said she could see something but was not sure, i got worried and called my clinic to see someone. I went for the appointment and had scans and bloods and they told me its a suspected ectopic pregnancy i was so shocked as i had no symptoms at all and my hcg was 400 😨. They told me the next day to go to EPU and it was confirmed it was 100% ectopic pregnancy measuring 11 weeks ans 5 days. The next few days after was running back to EPU and they decided i needed an emergency surgery and they it said they will try and save the tube, which meant we could not go on holiday. The shock and trauma from all this has set me and my husband back. My husband has been in contact with the clinic to get answer why the aftercare was so poor even when i called 2 to tell them something is not right. When i get pregnant again i will make sure i go to the EPU 1st and following weeks as well as this is what they have suggested. I feel like the trust that i had is not there anymore.

I cant thank my EPU for all they did and how serious they took it and explained everything to me. I am recovering at home right now and trying to get back to normal. I have had the amazing support from friends and family.

If any doubt go to your EPU.


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Stsr1234 profile image
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13 Replies
CLDxxx profile image

Sorry to hear you’ve had such a awful time.

I hope you’re soon recovered and can arrange another holiday to look forward to.

Take care xx

Stsr1234 profile image
Stsr1234 in reply to CLDxxx

Thank you CLD xxx

Cinderella5 profile image

Sorry for all that you have been through, what a nightmare! I know I was monitored by my EPU to make sure my hCG had returned to normal after my first loss and second time around I was advised to take a pregnancy test to ensure negative. Im glad you have had support from EPU. They were wonderful so yes do go to them if in future you need them. Hope you are recovering ok.xx

Stsr1234 profile image
Stsr1234 in reply to Cinderella5

Thank you Cinderella xxxx

LizzieBW profile image

Hi there,

So sorry to read about what's happened for you. I can't begin to imagine how you must be feeling but wanted to say thank you for sharing your experience in the hope of helping others who may find themselves in a similar situation. Hope you're recovering okay xx

Stsr1234 profile image

Hi Lizzie thank you so much, yes i wrote this to help others, please just go to EPU or a+e do not wait for the clinic, unless your clinic are good in after care.

Thank you all for the support xxxxx

Faith103 profile image

So sorry for you loss. I have stage 4 endo and in June I got pregnant naturally. I was in such shock as I thought Ivf would be the only chance for me. After only one week of being happily pregnant I went to a and e with bleeding I was told by the dr at the hospital not to worry it’s normal and congratulations on getting pregnant with stage 4 endo. But like you I knew my body I was no convinced. The next day I had to call an ambulance I was in such bad pain. The paramedics thought I was being a drama queen but like you I was kept in hospital and had an emergency scan in the morning and to our horror or little baby was in my tight tube. I was rushed to surgery and I had baby and my right tube removed. I’m so angry to this day that I have to sit and look at my babies ashes on mantle piece. I’m also upset that my changes have dropped even less with only having one tube. I really am sorry for what you have been through I feel your pain. Pm me if you want any advice. I’ve had surgery on endo since then and got some good advise about having one tube.xxxx

Stsr1234 profile image

Hi faith i am so so sorry to hear i completely understand you pain and frustration, it would be so good to get some advice from you regarding having one tube xxx

Loopy9 profile image

Sorry to hear your story Stsr1234.

I too had an ectopic and tube removal nearly 2 years ago. It took the hospital nearly 3 weeks, 6 scans and 2 hospital admissions to decide what was happening. It was a terrifying time and it hits you afterwards how serious it all was and that the situation could have been even worse. If you need to talk feel free to pm me. It’s a horrible time and not something you can truly get over. Really sorry and sending hugs...

Stsr1234 profile image
Stsr1234 in reply to Loopy9

Thank you so much xx

tiger-cub profile image

I had that too

Hardest time ever

18 hospital visits every 48 hours

And then admired twice to decide medical management if surgery

But finally I had a surgery to remove right tube . And I think that was a good decision. And then recovery of few months and depression of 2 years . So it’s very hard . I’m here if u need to chat anytime . That was d hardest time of my life and still sends chill down my spine . The fear of living with a live time bomb inside our body and that sinking feeling didn’t let me sleep for months together.

Tight hugs sending ur way x

Faith103 profile image
Faith103 in reply to tiger-cub

This happened to me as well but natural pregnancy it’s an awful time. Hope your okay we are so strong xxxx

Stsr1234 profile image
Stsr1234 in reply to tiger-cub

Thank you so much for support it means so much to me, 2 weeks down the line its kind of hit me buy with the amazing support of family and friends and all of you i dont feel like i am on my own. Xx

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