Hi Everyone
My case is slightly unique and google has limited information. On my second IVF, i got BFP unfortunately, however when it came to my first scan, we were unable to find the pregnancy in the womb. Two weeks later it was discovered, I suffered from a rare ectopic pregnancy known as Intramural ectopic pregnancy at 8 weeks however the embryo measured 5 wks 3 days (and all this time HCG was doubling every 48 hours). After two shots of Methotrexate injection (November last year) my levels begun to drop. I stopped testing my HCG two months after the shots because it was steadily declining and i was having regular periods. Fast-forward to this month and my period is late so i decided to a test and my HCG levels are at 12.5. The strange bit is its 6 months after the injection was administered and i still have HCG in system even though the low levels am confused. I haven't read anywhere that it can take this long to drop. My periods are often regular (only missed my period three times in all my life occurring only in the last 2 1/2 years. . Now i am wondering if its because my fertility issue of low AMH (AMH is declining quickly) or residual of an ectopic pregnancy. Anyone ever experience this....