FET transfer : Hi :-) Has Anyone done... - Fertility Network UK

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FET transfer

Pandi11346 profile image
31 Replies

Hi :-)

Has Anyone done a Natural FET transfer? I’m due to do this over the next few weeks, my first fresh transfer failed last November and we only have 1 embryo frozen which is grade 3BC (the grading is also making me nervous) I’m just constantly overthinking everything. Just wanting to know success rates with Natural FET and lower graded embryos x

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Pandi11346 profile image
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31 Replies
Sarah_a_2018 profile image

I'm starting my FET soon, having an endometrial scratch on 24th Oct and then transfer will take place round about last week in November, mine is medicated xx

Pandi11346 profile image
Pandi11346 in reply to Sarah_a_2018

Hi Sarah, is this your first time doing it? How many eggs did you get?

We only got 4, 2 made it to blast stage, my first fresh transfer failed So this Frozen one is our only hope now.

I’m so worried as I have to track my own ovulation this time then we go in for transfer 😬 it just seems strange doing it with no meds plus my embryo isn’t the best grade wise 🤞 xx

Sarah_a_2018 profile image
Sarah_a_2018 in reply to Pandi11346

This is my first frozen transfer, my first round of IVF we had 7 eggs, by day 5 we had one poor quality blastocyst that we transferred and was BFN, second round we had 6 eggs, 3 made it to day 5, transferred 1, froze 1 and the other wasn't suitable for freezing.

I wouldn't worry too much about the quality, that's just what the embryologists use to assess how the embryos develop, we had a grade A blastocyst for our second transfer and our frozen embryo is a grade AB I think. I wanted to do natural transfer but our clinic don't offer it

What are you using to track your cycle? I bought an ovusense fertility monitor, and it's been accurate so far xx

Pandi11346 profile image
Pandi11346 in reply to Sarah_a_2018

Aww well I wish you he best of luck and do keep me posted on how you get on 🤞

I’m using clear blue ovulation tests the pink ones, I have been trialing it for the past 3 months and each month it’s been accurate and given me my smiley face on the day of surge. I’m so nervous but I suppose that’s only natural in this situation just got to stay positive 🥴 xx

Kloulou83 profile image

Hi Pandi46

I have just done a Natural FET. No drugs at all, just completely led by my cycle (our issue was male factor). First ever FET and I got a BFP.

I already have twin girls from my third fresh IVF round and then we are over the moon to get a BFP on our first go with our Frosties. I was slightly nervous that it was just down to my body but I can’t tell you how much easier and less stressful it was!

Good luck. Xx

Pandi11346 profile image

Hi Kloulou83

Awww congratulations that’s amazing. Our issue is my tubes :-( I had one removed and the other is blocked :-( I have everything crossed this one works for us but can’t help feeling massively scared as no more to fall back on. I’m currently doing Acupuncture sessions each Friday up until my transfer hoping that will help too 🤞🤞 great news that’s yours worked and these stories give me hope and do make me feel a little better about it all :-) thank you and I hope you have a lovely pregnancy xx

Kloulou83 profile image
Kloulou83 in reply to Pandi11346

Im sorry to hear about the issues with your tubes ☹️ I’m sure your clinic will monitor you closely.

I had quite short cycles so I would start ovulation sticks straight after my period ended and do twice a day (morning and evening). The Clearblue pink ones are the best (not the flashing face) and we got a bulk order on Amazon.

I did acupuncture on my third fresh IVF cycle and got a BFP. I found it really helped me relax, especially after transfer.

What I will say is that after transfer on both my BFP rounds I just continued with life as normal. With my FET I was running around after two toddlers, lifting them and on my feet most of the day.

I will have my fingers and toes crossed for you and would love to hear how you get on. Xxxx

Pandi11346 profile image
Pandi11346 in reply to Kloulou83

Thanks so much and of course I will keep you posted 🤞🤞 can I ask if you changed your diet for your FET? I ask as on my first round I changed everything... I ate avocados, pineapple cores all the stuff they tell you to do and that round failed so this time I have just cut down on coffee I do eat rather healthy in general tbh. Hopefully if my ovulation is on time I should be doing transfer very end If this month xx

Kloulou83 profile image
Kloulou83 in reply to Pandi11346

I stopped drinking alcohol when my period arrived and went on to decaf tea once I had my transfer but that was it. I was still having the odd (frequent 🙈🤪) treat and ate my usual diet. I did the same with my IVF rounds too.

Are you taking folic acid/vitamin D?

How exciting that you could have your transfer by the end of the month! 🙏🏼🤗 That was the other thing about a Natural FET, it went so fast!! Xx

Pandi11346 profile image
Pandi11346 in reply to Kloulou83

Haha good on you and that just proves it works 👍 after doing everything by the book last time and it not working it thought sod it so long as I cut back on the caffeine this time.

Yes I’m taking Seven Seas Trying for a baby with folic acid and vitamin D in it I have been taking that for over a year now.

Tbh I have been putting this transfer off since the summer always an excuse every month 😬 I’m just scared really!! But this is the month and hopefully I will work 🤞🤞 at least this way I can choose to have a summer baby (if it works) 😊 xx

Kloulou83 profile image
Kloulou83 in reply to Pandi11346

I think the most important thing is don’t put too much pressure on yourself and don’t send your body into shock by changing your diet rapidly. I strongly believe being as relaxed as possible (ridiculous I know when it’s the most stressful ordeal ever!!) is key. If you have a balanced, healthy diet you should be fine.

It does come around so quickly and we always said we would do it when the twins were 18 months to give us time in case the Frosties didn’t work/thaw etc. Was quite shocked when the process was so short and we got a BFP!


WeeJacs profile image

Me too so glad you asked this question. We have never had frozen before, this is our 1st. First appt for bloods to be checked next week. Anxious as it all just seems so relaxed xx

Pandi11346 profile image
Pandi11346 in reply to WeeJacs

Hi WeeJacs

Yes it’s all so very relaxed 😌 I think that’s the part that scares me as I feel I should be on medication for it to work but the doctors have assured me there is no need as it’s all based on my natural cycle 🤞🤞

So is this your first IVF round? How many eggs did you get? I’m always eager to hear how many others got 😌 have you previously done a fresh transfer?

The world of IVF is full of questions and groups like these help us all so much, I only joined today and I feel a hell of a lot more positive now after speaking with the other girls today and hearing their stories xx

WeeJacs profile image
WeeJacs in reply to Pandi11346

No we have had 3 previous fresh attempt, 2 miscarriages and a BFN from the 3rd. We went private on the 3rd attempt. Always responded well with lots of eggs but not great quality only 2 making it to blasto on each of the 1st 2 attempts. Change of clinic and protocol gave us 10 eggs with 6 making it to blasto left us with 4 to freeze as we transferred 2 but sadly that was a BFN.

I had endometriosis so the clinic thinks that previously affected my quality. Advised me to take DHEA for 3 months before 3 fresh and it has helped immensely.

Like u say I’m nervous, as always been in hormones so anxious my body doesn’t do it’s job properly 🤷🏻‍♀️. In for my 1st blood test this week to measure where I’m at. My clinic don’t use ovulation sticks it’s all measured through bloods.


Pandi11346 profile image
Pandi11346 in reply to WeeJacs

Aww all’s we can do is try and stay calm and try not to overthink things I know that’s easier said than done!! Keep me posted on how your getting on and I wish you all the luck in the world 🤞 xx

sun-and-rain profile image

FET in natural cycle is just cool. Not stressful at all. Just take notes that there's been released a big Sweedish study recently which shows that there are better results using progesterone support from the day of the FET up to 8 weeksof a hopeful pregnancy. That has made my clinique change their procedures and recommendations, and so I'm 8 weeks pregnant with an egg they considered low grade because it was a bit slow in starting to develop. This is 6th attempt, fourth FET in natural cycle and first with progesterone support in natural cycle. Hoping we will succeed, and hoping for the same for you ❤❤❤

Pandi11346 profile image
Pandi11346 in reply to sun-and-rain

Awww congratulations that’s lovely news x and thanks for that info 👍 we are paying for ours but with a NHS hospital as that’s were I was originally referred for etc. They have said I need no drugs at all however I’d be more than happy to take progesterone to help support as I have heard something like that so you think I could buy it myself and just start after transfer? I wonder 🤔 think I was on them after my fresh transfer they were like little bullets 🥴 I will call my hospital tomorrow and ask the question thanks and good luck with the rest of your pregnancy 🤰 xx

sun-and-rain profile image
sun-and-rain in reply to Pandi11346


About your situation: If I knew what I now knew about increased chance of success with progesterone supply, I would have bought them privately (if possible and affordable) even if my clinique said I wouldn't need it. I somehow regret I trusted what the docs at my clinique said back at my former FETs in natural cycle and didn't take any progesteron supply, as I had one BFP which I lost just after having turned 5 weeks and one slightly positive that just fainted out and became all negative the second time I tested. It's tempting to believe the progesterone support would have helped to keep the little one inside - although we'll never know 😜 Crossing fingers and toes for a wonderful outcome for you ❤❤❤

Pandi11346 profile image
Pandi11346 in reply to sun-and-rain

Aww thanks so much for your info I’ll definitely call my hospital in the morning see what they say 😬 And yes please keep everything crossed for me 🤞🤞 xx thank you xx

Leannefb profile image

I had a natural FET transfer last November so much nicer and easier on the body. I had a course of acupuncture before the transfer, didn't drink alcohol but kept everything else the same. I bled early on my failed fresh transfer so did use pessaries at the advice of the consultant. It was a 5bb embryo and I'm pleased to say it was successful and I'm sat here cuddling my miracle baby boy 💙

Wishing you lots of luck 🍀

Pandi11346 profile image
Pandi11346 in reply to Leannefb

Hi Leanne,

That’s nice to hear you have a gorgeous baby boy 💙 this group gives me hope 🤞 sometimes you just feel like your the only one going through it ☹️ I’m also doing acupuncture each week up until transfer, I have had 2 already and it does chill me out, got another tomorrow :-) how many session did you have?

When did you start using the pessaries? I hope my hospital agree to my using it and I don’t see why not if I’m happy buying it surely they can’t say No 😬 xx

Leannefb profile image

I found the acupuncture helped me to relax more as I was very anxious after the first transfer failed and this was our last embryo to try I had 4 sessions I think. I started using the pessaries from transfer day until I was 12 weeks pregnant. Consultant advised me to stop using them at the 6 week scan but I was so nervous about bleeding I got a prescription from a gp at work for pessaries xx

Pandi11346 profile image
Pandi11346 in reply to Leannefb

Thanks Leanne, this is our last embryo too so just makes me all the more nervous 😬 fingers and toes crossed 🤞 xx

Running79 profile image

Hi - I hate to say it really is luck, I’ve had two FET both on natural cycles, a 5BB and a 3BB and both failed - that’s us now having to start again now

I hope it works out for you

Pandi11346 profile image
Pandi11346 in reply to Running79

Hi I’m so sorry to hear that and hopefully 3rd time lucky for you 🤞 they say it takes an average of 3 times, but we only had 2 embryos so if this next one fails we will have to start again which scares the life out of me ☹️ just got to try and stay positive and hope for the best outcome 🤞🤞

What was your issues if you don’t mind me asking? And how many eggs did you get? Xx

Running79 profile image
Running79 in reply to Pandi11346

We only had 2 embryos to freeze. We have unexplained infertility, all tests for both of us have come back normal.

EC I had 23 eggs collected, 17 fertilised. Then over the 5 days they dropped off to 5 left.

Unfortunately I had a polyp so the 3 that were discarded and not suitable for freezing I don’t know what grade they were - so we ended up with the two failed goes

Pandi11346 profile image
Pandi11346 in reply to Running79

Wow 23 is a lot I only got 4 and was devastated as they told I had high AMH levels and responded well to treatment so I expected a lot more than 4 ☹️ I also discovered I had a polyp but it was a few months after my transfer, I wondered if it was the IVF that caused the polyp? But the hospital says it wouldn’t of been! But I’ll never know I just know it wasn’t there before hand. My friend had unexplained infertility and hers worked on the 3rd go with her lowest graded embryo and her little girl is a dream 😍

Good luck with your next round xx

Running79 profile image
Running79 in reply to Pandi11346


My hospital said the meds could have contributed to bringing the polyp on, I had one previously that the NHS ignored until I kicked off at them for trying to discharge me before fully investigating what the dark shadow in my womb was!!

Good luck with your journey xx

Running79 profile image

I would also add I used cyclogest progesterone support from before the transfer

Pandi11346 profile image
Pandi11346 in reply to Running79

I did use them on my first fresh transfer with a grade 5AB embryo and that failed last year ☹️ but I think I’d feel a bit more at ease if I was using something to support rather than nothing at all so going to speak with my hospital later today I think 😬 xx

Running79 profile image
Running79 in reply to Pandi11346

The recommendations I’ve seen say to use progesterone support - I can’t understand any clinic that wouldn’t use it, seems mad

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