My husband and I had our first round of IVF (long protocol) June 2019 and I unexpectedly did not respond to the stimulation drugs. Our infertility is unexplained and our consultant did not expect such a poor response from our test results which were all within normal range, although my AMH is at the lower end of normal. I am 37 so again age was not considered a factor.
I had 6 reasonable sized follicles but only 3 eggs. The follicles were slow to grow so I was on stims for ages. Two eggs were abnormal, the other fertilised but stopped dividing at 8 cells and we did not progress to transfer. It originally stopped developing at 4 cells. This meant our planned transfer on day 3 did not go ahead. After being kept in culture for another day, it split again on day four before stopping again ... so technically our IVF failed twice without even getting to transfer.
We are about to start round two and our consultant is recommending we try a short protocol. I have been taking DHEA, hopefully the combination will help with egg quality even if we don’t get many eggs.
Does anyone have any success stories or experiences of changing from a long protocol to a short protocol? We are also changing drugs from Menopur to Gonal F - anyone experienced changing drugs and did this help?