Feeling very despondent and nervous.
We just did a 4th IVF cycle.
We had a successful cycle in 2018.
And 2 failed cycles in 2020 - rubbish response on short protocol...7 eggs and a double 3 day transfer BFN and then only 5 eggs and a single 2 day transfer.
We then switched clinics and have just had a significantly better result.
16 eggs collected!!
13 mature, 9 fertilised and 4 got to blastocyst.
We opted for PGS testing this cycle due to the high risk of miscarriage and genetic abnormalities.
Out of our 4 blastocysts, only one is good quality and at the appropriate stage for biopsy. The other 3 were allowed to grow to day 7 to see if they got to the right stage but all stopped growing overnight 😢
So...it’s all resting on this one embie.
We’ve only a 20-30% chance it’s normal. And even then it’s not guaranteed it will implant.
Would love to hear stories of hope! Feels like we’re reaching the end of our journey 😥
I don’t know if I should or could do any more cycles.