Not posted on here for a long time but know some of you lovely ladies on here will have experience of this. I had my daughter 6 months ago via emergency c section after a successful 1st round of ivf with clexane and aspirin (after nearly 3 years of trying, lots of tests and being diagnosed with unexplained infertility). At the time of my c section the doctors said something along the lines of warning me off having another baby for 18-24 months and I can't remember (I was extremely tired afterwards as baby was rushed off for treatment for infection) if it was that amount of time to avoid another pregnancy or for giving birth due to the scarring from the section needing time to repair. Now given our history we made the decision not to go back on the pill but to use other methods of prevention so my hormones aren't messed up. We had decided to wait until our daughter turns 1 before trying naturally for 6 months and if no luck doing ivf again. The problem is none of us can remember exactly what the doctors warning was in terms of why we needed to wait and my husband is worried about trying again as he believes the doctor said we had to wait that length of time for another pregnancy rather than birth. Sorry for the essay but I would love to start trying again sooner so if any other problems occur we can try to deal with them sooner. TIA
*Sensitive post* When to try for a si... - Fertility Network UK
*Sensitive post* When to try for a sibling after 1st IVF baby and c section

First of all congratulations on your daughter 😍
It’s awful when a consultant speaks to you when you are not quite with it! I’ve been there.
Do you remember the doctor who performed the c section? If you can I would contact the consultants secretary & clarify what was said & the reasoning. I can fully understand why you want to start sooner than later.
I’m not medical so I can’t really issue any medical advice maybe Diane can throw some light on it?
We are also considering trying for a sibling for our daughter!
Good luck with it & I really wish you well keep us posted ❤️ xxx

Thank you for your reply. I'm glad your family are doing well I've no idea on my doctor's name. It was a bit of a rush as my induction failed (contracting strongly but no sign of anything opening up) and baby's heart rate rose so at 9pm they said c section and by 9.33pm she was out! According to google you should be fine to give birth again 6-12 months after a section but I have no idea :s
Hi lovely... glad all is well. I’m in the same situation as would really like to try for a sibling too. I also had a csection and they 12-18 months. I think it’s all to do with the surgery itself as to why we should wait. I think it would be ok to try once baba turns 1... that’s what we’ll try to do... I quite enjoyed being pregnant during the winter months so we’re considering going for another cycle perhaps July next year. I remember you very well my lb is also 6 months... good luck with what you decide 😘😘
Lovely to hear from you Glad you and your lb is okay. I can't believe they are 6 months already! I love watching my LG develop and grow but I also miss the newborn snuggles. Thanks for responding, I'm hoping to switch to working part time too so will have more time for LG and hopefully start trying for a sibling. Pregnancy was a bit rough with severe sickness nad hip pain but worth every second to have her here now. As it worked 1st time and we didn't have any explantation they said we might have a good chance of conceiving naturally next time so we said we would try that first before ivf again as we would need to save and pay for it this time.
Time goes so quickly doesn’t it... I can’t quite believe I’ll be going back to work soon too... yes the nausea is horrid but all worth it.... and lb done his first solid poo on Friday and was like ohh no I want the baby baby poops lol growing too quick 😊😊
I had a c section and was never told to wait a certain amount of time. My LG is 1.5 years now and we have started trying naturally and then if not after 6-12 months we will go back for IVF x

Thank you for responding good luck trying for your 2nd. Strange isn't it how they tell you different things! The section was relatively straight forward apart from me losing more blood than normal and I was on iron tablets for that. They have me no real reason as to why I needed to wait so we have just assumed it was to allow where they had cut to repair and get strong again.
Yeah mine was simple too. I was back to normal within 2 weeks and you wouldn’t even know I had one.
Fingers crossed for us both as really want to avoid the stress of IVF again xx
Hi lovely, congrats on your daughter! I had a daughter from ICSI on my 2nd cycle and ended up having an emergency c section also. They didnt tell me anything about not having a baby soon after. We tried naturally when she was 1.5, and then when she was 2 we had a FET which didnt work. Now in the middle of cycle 4 (fresh ICSI again).
I would advise you speak to your GP if you cant remember what the doc said when you gave birth.
Best of luck xx
I had a c section and my surgeon and midwife said you need to wait at least a year before trying again as you are at an increased risk of uterine rupture towards the end of the pregnancy and during labour. I was also warned that it can increase the chance of the placenta attaching abnormally causing complications if the original wound isn’t properly healed. I would think if you plan to start trying when your baby is 1 you should be ok. Hope this helps x
Have been there and actually remember the advice as asked a second time
Doctors said best to wait a full two years before becoming pregnant again. Though, once she’d seen my age (was 38, now 40), she said that a year after birth it would be safe enough to start trying as time wasn’t on my side. I’d take from that that you should wait st least a year after birth before trying again if you want to avoid the worst of the risks. Good luck! We’re trying for a sibling too and sadly not as easy as hoped
I had twins via c section and the consultant said to wait at least a year before trying for any more. It made me laugh that they asked me if I was intending to have any more, less than 24 hrs after giving birth! Obviously timing is not their forte! 😂
I’ve had various friends have sections and the advice given to them has been mixed. Some haven’t been told anything about being made to wait whilst one was told wait 2 years before even getting pregnant. Not sure if it’s different hospitals policies or how straightforward the section was. It would be so nice if there was consistent guidance for everyone to follow! Good luck when you do start trying for no 2. My consultant told me that having had one successful pregnancy through ivf the chances of having a second one increased so hopefully if you can’t get pregnant naturally and do go for another round of ivf you will fall pretty quickly x