Hi I am having my first FET on Tuesday after a failed ICSI cycle at the beginning of the year. Does anyone have any advice about diet to help with a successful cycle ? Somethings I can eat as I am allergic to nuts
FET diet: Hi I am having my first FET... - Fertility Network UK
FET diet

I didn’t do anything in particular during my FET, in fact after transfer I didn’t eat overly healthy, I ate what I wanted, including junk food- it was successful and i now have a healthy 3 month old. Good luck xxxxx

Thank you, I’m very nervous this time as my fresh cycle didn’t work I want to give myself the best chance of it being successful xx
I can imagine how you feel! Just try to relax though if you can- the embryo won’t implant just because you’ve eaten a certain type of food a few days before if that was true the doctors would be advising specific diets. Just make sure you take care of yourself and chill out for a few days xxxxx
Hello, I’ve been told a number of times just to be healthy and not worry about what you eat or haven’t been eaten. Good luck! X

Hi emzall. Try swapping the nuts to all sorts of beans and chickpeas, plus all the sensible foods you already eat. Good luck! Diane