Is this a miscarriage I don’t know if it is or not :(((
Is this a miscarriage : Is this a... - Fertility Network UK
Is this a miscarriage

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Hey lovely, how far pregnant are you my dear? Regardless of stage in pregnancy I would recommend going to the hospital and taking this with you.
Although I do not know for sure, and I hope not. I had a misscarraige at 8 weeks and could clearly see fetal tissue, it was quite different too a blood clot. And I also lost my son at 19 weeks, and I went through labour and delivery and he was perfectly formed , just small.
Does it look like fetal tissue
This personally doesnt look like my misscarraige, however it's hard with photos. I beld heavy clots for 5 weeks with my son (while he was still healthy and growing perfectly) the clots were the size of my 2 fists together, some were fresh clots and some looked like your photo. I bled that heavily I needed 4 blood transfusions and my son passed away due to infection. I had a subchorionic haematoma. Without being scanned, you wont know. Roughly how far along are you in your pregnancy?
I really really pray to god for you that it isn’t but I’d take bms13 advice and get to a hospital taking that tissue with you .Praying it’s not a miscarriage good luck darling xxx
I agree get yourself checked out hun x I lost tissue like matter miscarrying around 5/6 weeks and clots with heavy bleeding xx
Go to hospital and get checked.. I lost at 6 weeks and looked pretty similar to this but really hope its not xox
I’m so sorry to see this.. sadly it looks very similar to what I saw at 6+3 weeks which ended in miscarriage. I will really be praying and hoping yours will not end in the same way. As it could also just be a clot. Get to your local EPU first thing as there’s not much A&E can do at this time of night unless your in excruciating pain etc. Best of luck and thinking of you x
Thank you I don’t know what to think ☹️X
I really do know the feeling... Just try to stay positive until you know whats going on for certain. I have read so many positive outcomes after bleeds/clots on this forum.
Try and get some rest and get on the phone first thing. I sat in A&E which I later realised was pointless as they were only able to do a HPT which will still show positive for a while even if this is a miscarriage. You need a blood test and a scan x
Megan I am so sorry that you are going through this. This does remind me of my experience of miscarriage, my blood was very red though. Look after yourself and go to EPU first thing to find out what it is happening. Thoughts and prayers are with you Xxx
So sorry that you’re going through this Megan. It’s obviously very worrying but may not be as bad as it seems. Good luck...x
I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Please get checked by the EPU this morning, they’re the experts and will be able to tell you exactly what’s going on xx
If I were you I would take this and yourself off to hospital lovely to be on the safe side x I miscarried 8 weeks ago and unfortunately it looked similar to your picture x I PRAY that this isn't the case with you x Sending Love and Best Wishes and hoping all ends well xx
This looks very much like I passed following my Two week wait after my FET. However I had tested negative to pregnancy- have you done a test?
I thought when it happened to me that it was a miscarriage but the ivf nurse said it was unlikely as hadn’t shown on test. However she agreed that it didn’t look like a normal clot and had features of embryo growth so I still had no idea.
Having never seen a positive pregnancy test I think I might’ve felt more positive if I knew it was a m/c because then there would still be hope it could happen one day - which sounds weird but I hate the not knowing why it never happens for no apparent reason.
Hopefully you will get some answers either way soon. Good luck x
It’s impossible to tell. Was there more than this that passed? Did you have pain or cramping in your tum or back? If not I would hold out hope. But no one on this blog can answer yes or no. You must go to a doctor. I’m hoping for the best. ❤️
I really hope its not for you. However, this looks identical to mine when I lost my baby at 8 weeks. Please take it to the hospital and do genetic testing if you can.
Praying for you.
Did you get your self checked out hun x