Has anyone had a euploid embryo implanted and went on to arrest at 7 weeks . Looking for experiences and possible reasons .
Has anyone had a euploid embryo implanted and went on to arrest at 7 weeks . Looking for experiences and possible reasons .
Yes, sadly my first PGS tested embryo miscarried at around 8 weeks. My second PGS tested embryo was a chemical pregnancy.
It was my third PGS tested embryo that worked. My doctor thought the reason could be: immune issues and/or communication between the embryo and my lining/uterus. For the successful embryo, we did a HCG flush and a full immune protocol (25mg steriods and IV).
I am so sorry, I know how hard it is as it never makes sense, but there are additional treatments that could help.
Stay strong xx
I asked them reg Hcg flush my new clinic does do that . In one of my TFMR pregnancy, I was on steroid 12 mg for 12 weeks . This new clinic said for pgt embryo we give steroid it was for 5 days and ended before transfer date . I’m a fool I should hv went hard and pushed to give me longer
My doctor who specialises in immune protocol said anything lower than 25mg is not worth it, so perhaps push for a higher dose. You will get there and you are a not a fool - IVF is sadly an art, not a science and doctors are very very careful with “add on” treatment due to external pressure. Do your research then push hard for what you want. Just keep going xx
I will definitely push them . After all it’s my journey . One another thing I noticed in this transfer compared to my previous tfmr transfer was that I used estrodot patch when I is success but this time I was given oral pills 3 times and once vaginally which increased my core body temperature a lot .
So sorry to hear of your loss. I had 5 miscarriages all around 6/7 weeks and one failed FET with PGTA embryo. I had immune testing and did steroids, inhixa , endometrial scratch and aspirin and intralipids with 2nd FET which worked. Thinking of you x
I had a friend who had two PGT-A embryos miscarry sadly, the next time round she saw an reproductive immunologist and was put on an immune protocol and that worked.
I had two PGT-A embryos fail to implant and then went on an immune protocol and I’m now 11 weeks ( the embryo I’m pregnant with was tested Mosaic not euploid).
I’m so sorry you’ve experienced this. Sending strength xxx
If you don’t mind , can you please share what change was done to ur fet protocol after meeting with immunologist. Thanks
Hello 😊 I can, of course, but it really was tailored to me so will be very different for everyone.
They found I had an incompatibility mismatch with my partner, which means my body’s immune system would try and reject the embryo. So for this I had to be put on a drug called Neupogen, and they also put me on steroids. She saw some levels of inflammation and also v mild insulin resistance and so put me on Metformin, and I also tested positive for the MTHFR gene mutation so I was put on blood thinners.
I also did a different protocol this time (natural modified rather than fully medicated) and so my progesterone levels were a lot higher which had previously been a problem for me in medicated cycles. This also meant my lining was a lot thicker. I also had a hysteroscopy a few months prior where they had found I had a narrow uterus and so they widened that during the procedure.
But a lot of this was for implantation failure as we hadn’t had any implant. My friend who miscarried two PGT embryos separately was put on steroids, metformin and blood thinners the next time round and it worked.
Wishing you all the best x
Hello, please may I ask how long into your pregnancy you were on these medications for?
Thank you
I’m currently 11.5 weeks so still on some of them. I stopped Neupogen at 10.5 weeks. I’m still on steroids and I think most people start weaning off them really slowly between weeks 12-26. Metformin I don’t know how long I’ll stay on it but not the whole way I think. Blood thinners I came off for a bit because I had some bleeding (due to hematoma) but am back on them now and will be on whole pregnancy and 6 weeks after.
I’m coming off progesterone just after 12 weeks.
Hope that helps?
I read neupogen is related to wbc . I have noticed multiple times over the years that my hematology tests , that I show slightly elevated wbc. I have pointed that out to my fertility clinics but no use . Do u hav any such experience? Have u noticed ur wbc getting lowered with neupogen ?
Neupogen increases WBC not lowers. I don’t know how it all works really. But I know when I’m on it my white blood cells are a lot higher in tests (which is normal when on it).
I thought increase wbc means immune system overactive and we need to suppress it . You are right neupogen increases wbc . May be my concept is wrong then
It’s all very complicated so I really don’t understand. Neupogen is specifically given for the genetic mismatch thing I have with my partner (KIR-AA and HLA-C2) but i really don’t understand the science of it all 🙈 I don’t know if steroids are doing something similar or the opposite either.
hello! I’m so sorry to hear this for anyone. We unfortunately miscarried at 6 weeks with a normal embryo. We are waiting to start our next cycle. I pray they change our protocol so it works for us next time. This will be IVF number 5! And our last attempt. We are running out of money. This sucks that it’s so expensive but that’s another story! We are using a surrogate. Next time I’m asking our doctor to test for everything! If he will….
It’s draining financially, emotionally. This is my fourth cycle seventh transfer and 8 year journey. I was never once in my life got pregnant naturally. All pregnancies were via ART but never had a successful live birth . Journey Doesn’t seem to end . Why does it have to do hard to have something that everyone has it so easily.
hang in there! Same for me! It’s so wrong that they charge us so much for something that should be natural. My cousin’s insurance pays for her cycles, she got pregnant on cycle #2! Fingers crossed that the next one works for us!!!