Cancel cycle? Back-to-back cycle?? šŸ¤Æ - Fertility Network UK

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Cancel cycle? Back-to-back cycle?? šŸ¤Æ

Alexa3 profile image
ā€¢29 Replies

Hi Ladies,

I would love some advice as I am panicking. Iā€™ve just come back my last scan, got 6 follicles and they will call me this afternoon to confirm EC for Monday.

But I am so incredibly apprehensive that I havenā€™t properly prepped for this cycle. I only read It Starts with the Egg this past week and I wish I had added a few supplements that were recommended several weeks prior to starting the cycle. I only ever get a couple eggs so I know Iā€™ve got to be completely across the quality area.

I asked my clinic about cancelling and they told me they will only charge me 1/5 of the cost (for the meds) if I donā€™t go through to EC.

My concern is that if I go ahead and it is unsuccessful (and I am feeling completely doomed about it ) then I will lose a few months while my body completely recovers before I can cycle again... on the other hand, perhaps I should consider doing a back-to-back cycle... but am not sure how well my body will respond to it? Has anyone had any experience with this? Did they get better results?

I am 42 and Iā€™m aware time is not on my side. I am really trying adopt a positive mind set for the current cycle but canā€™t stop kicking myself. I wish Iā€™d given myself a few more weeks to prep. I am open to any and all suggestions, you can give it to me straight, I appreciate any thoughts... xx

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Alexa3 profile image
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29 Replies
Noodleone profile image

Iā€™m 41 and currently doing my first cycle and so totally get the time pressure that hangs over everything.

Iā€™ve also had many moments when Iā€™ve seen stuff I should be doing and have panicked. In those moments I tell myself that there are a million variables at play with IVF and mostly I canā€™t control them so there is no point beating myself up for not having acupuncture or eating a pineapple or taking the right supplements. It sounds like you need to give yourself a break and go with what feels right for you. I havenā€™t read it Starts with the Egg and am taking no supplements other than Folic acid if that helps reassure at all. Best of luck xx

Alexa3 profile image
Alexa3ā€¢ in reply toNoodleone

Thanks so much for your reply. It brought me off the ledge and I told the clinic Iā€™ll go ahead with it. Youā€™re right, thereā€™s so many variables at play, whose to say a couple more supplements will make the the end Iā€™ll never know what helped and what didnā€™t. Iā€™ll worry about future cycles should I need to šŸ¤žšŸ»

Had a look at your profile, amazing follicle count and lining sounds great too! Good luck, hope you get your BFP xx

Noodleone profile image
Noodleoneā€¢ in reply toAlexa3

Oh Iā€™m so glad it helped! I think the best thing any of us can do is just try and relax and be kind to ourselves x I wish you all the luck!

Alexa3 profile image
Alexa3ā€¢ in reply toNoodleone

Thank you, you too ā¤ļø


Sorry you are panicking. Try not to.

I may not be able to help because I am in the same boat, but, these are my honest thoughts on your situation.

1/ As long as you are taking a good prenatal vitamin that's the most important thing. My understanding is that folic acid is the most important vitamin you must take to help ensure a healthy baby. Pregnacare preconception was recommended to me. It contains all the safe/ necessary amounts of other key vitamins and minerals required at preconception.

2/ I've been told that you should take supplement's at least 3 months prior to make a difference. My understanding with DHEA is there is evidence on egg quality improvement but I have no idea to what level and over what time you would really need to be taking the supplement's to make a significant difference.

3/ I have read some of 'It Starts with the Egg'. It is full of positive tips, (the info on toxins & plastics is interesting), but it also did my head in to be honest and made me feel I wasn't doing enough to conceive.

That's not good because stress is really bad for aiding conception.

I think because we all desperately want to conceive we'd almost do anything to make it happen. I just think eat a balanced diet full of organic fruit, veg, and fish, take regular exercise and cut out processed foods and alcohol.

4/ I have been told by my clinic it isn't necessary to wait more than 1 month between treatment cycles, it depends on how your head is coping with it all. At our age I'd say don't waste time.

Personally for me I feel happiest and most positive when I am moving forward, taking positive action towards improving our chances and not wasting time in limbo between cycles so my advice would be GO FOR IT!

Maybe go an do a big healthy food shop, load up your cupboards with lovely foods, and do some relaxing things like swimming? I always feel that washes away all my anxieties when I am feeling very stressed.

..... But its obviously ultimately your choice.

Good luck, lots of love Xxx

Alexa3 profile image
Alexa3ā€¢ in reply toFirefliesintuscany

Hi. Thank you for your wise words, youā€™re a great help, really appreciate your response.

To be honest I havenā€™t read the book cover to cover (still need to read the plastics stuff and few other bits) but it seems itā€™s also had the same impact on me...that I havenā€™t been doing enough. I suppose that is easily achieved as I tend to be hard on myself. But itā€™s validating to hear Iā€™m not on my own about the book!

Thanks for your advice too, if I have to consider another cycle, Iā€™ll do it soon after. Itā€™s a process in which we have such little control, so taking positive steps forward has always empowered me. I feel Iā€™m at the pointy end of my journey so I usually feel better when I have a plan.

Thanks again- I went to yoga and cooked a healthy dinner so feeling much calmer.

Where are you up to? Are you currently doing a cycle? X

Firefliesintuscany profile image
Firefliesintuscanyā€¢ in reply toAlexa3

Hey no problem at all.

I'm so pleased you are feeling a little better about everything - sounds like you are back on track and ready for action!!

I'm at the start of our second cycle this year so am trying to submerge myself into all things positive, healthy and happy. I'm working hard to super charge my mind and body ready for the road ahead.

Keep in touch, and drop me a line any time you fancy a 'chat' or need an honest second opinion on anything.

Have a lovely rest of weekend. The sun is shining where we are today.

Lots of love...

Liza xxx

Alexa3 profile image
Alexa3ā€¢ in reply toFirefliesintuscany

Yes Iā€™m feeling better and in the swing of it now. Went to EC yesterday and got 6 but only 2 left as of today. Scheduled for transfer tomorrow šŸ¤žšŸ»

Good to hear youā€™re staying positive and surrounding yourself with the same, thereā€™s so much to be said for mindset...itā€™s much more powerful than we know!

Thank might hear from me during this wait :) Sending you lots of positive, healthy and happy baby vibes.

Chat soon xx Dawn

Firefliesintuscany profile image
Firefliesintuscanyā€¢ in reply toFirefliesintuscany

Hello Dawn,

That's brilliant. I have got everything crossed for you, and yes please do drop me a note anytime. I fully understand the insanity of the 2 week wait and how isolating it can feel. It can drive you a bit potty especially if you don't have people to talk to.

One of the toughest things i've found about treatment is not being able to talk to people about how I feel. My husband is amazing but he is a man and his brain is wired completely differently to mine. ie: once he's talked about something he generally doesn't feel he needs to discuss it again, the decision has been made, and we move forward. Whereas I think women need to go over old ground and talk about how they are feeling and everything that's going on around them in order to feel calmer and more assured about stuff. So I often find my head ends up in a bit of a spin going round in circles trying to find answers and reassurance on my own.

My Mum is amazing. She really has been my rock though this process.

I hope you are managing to get some nice chill time before your transfer.

Yes you are right, the head is a powerful thing. Its a real bugger at times. My head literally does my head in at times. I'll be ticking along very nicely with life feeling good and then wammo! Almost from nowhere those little niggling negative thoughts will creep up on me. Grrrrrrr.

Exercise is my savour. It helps blast the negativity out of my system completely.

Will you be working during your 2 week wait or will you take a bit of time out? I think there are some nice meditations you can listen to that are good if you're feeling anxious during the 2 week wait. I only managed to find 1 which I though was any good that I listened to literally on repeat for almost 2 weeks. All the other meditations I found where read by people with really annoying voices! There's a whole series of free meditations by Jackie Brown(visualisation and imagery for IVF). There is a meditation for post embryo transfer which is nice and calming.

Sending massive positive vibes for tomorrow.

Take care, keep in touch.

Liza xxx

Alexa3 profile image
Alexa3ā€¢ in reply toFirefliesintuscany

Hi Liza

So far the 2ww is going okay and Iā€™m not doing my own head in too much, thank you. I think itā€™s because I have such low expectations for this cycle...unfortunately been unable to shift this thinking. On the flip side, perhaps there is a silver lining in it as Iā€™m not that stressed.

I have had the week off and just doing household jobs etc, keeping busy but a lot less stressful than being at work.

Probably my worst offence was last night, day after transfer and my girlfriend (who just lost her brother whom she was very close to) wanted to go for a walk around the bay. I was a bit anxious as it was a brisk 7km walk and as it turned out it was also cold and windy. Not sure how smart that was but I wanted to support her and of course, I have not confided in her about my IVF stuff so she wouldnā€™t know.

Really glad youā€™re Mum is an amazing support to you. My mum is in Canada, surrounded by grandchildren and didnā€™t really appreciate the process when I involved her in it (she thinks itā€™s very easy to achieve) so I told her weā€™ve moved on from IVF to alleviate the pressure. Iā€™ve got a couple of friends here that know and I can talk to, which can be comforting (although still isolating as they donā€™t walk our walk). Youā€™re right about men, I think they process things very differently than us. They lose out on all the information we glean from dissecting things! We need that reassurance but I also think it helps us heal.

Thank you for the meditation link šŸ™

I will check out Jackie Brown too, need to be more positive!! Stay positive on your end, keep up the exercise (it helps me too). Have you tried the mindful IVF app? I paid for a few ā€˜stimming meditationsā€™ but then it asked for more money for transfer and 2ww meditations. I havenā€™t done that yet...Iā€™ll try yours first šŸ‘

Speak soon and stay positive

xx Dawn

Beechnut1 profile image

Please donā€™t panic. By the time I had my last cycle and transfer I was so fed up with the whole pressure of doing everything perfectly I ditched all the vitamins and supplements and just took folic acid. Iā€™m currently 39 weeks awaiting the arrival of my baby. My other cycles I was so obsessed with all the ā€˜extrasā€™ and would feel so guilty if I forgot to take a vitamin. I truly believe that although itā€™s great to look after yourself and be as healthy as you can there are just so

Many other factors in play that are completely out of our control. The cycle I fell pregnant they collected the smallest amount of eggs and my embryo was far less in terms of quality and I took no vitamins but here I am very much pregnant.

I say go for it and be kind to yourself. One of those 6 follicles May be your baby and 6 is a great number the most I ever got was 4. Thereā€™s so much hope in this cycle yet! Youā€™ve got this!

Lots of luck xxx

Alexa3 profile image
Alexa3ā€¢ in reply toBeechnut1

Hi, thanks for this. I need to hear it. Iā€™m quite hard on myself about getting it all right and I need to remember that there are so many factors out of our control at play. Congratulations on getting your BFP! Your approach is inspiring and Iā€™ll keep it in mind, thereā€™s obviously something in it! Best of luck with the birth and motherhood, I already have one and she has been the most wonderful blessing. Enjoy and thanks very much for your reply xx

Tigr profile image

I'd go for it. 6 eggs sound brilliant and as the others said, all this optimisation can drive you crazy. As long as you are eating relatively healthy and have enough folic acid, I would not worry. They do back-to-back cycles if you want. I had two back-to-back just with medicated IUI (same meds, just no antagonist) and it freaked out my body and mind quite a bit. Good luck with those very likely happy eggies! :)

Alexa3 profile image
Alexa3ā€¢ in reply toTigr

Thank you. I had my egg collection this morning. There were 6 but 2 immature and 1 Iā€™m down to 3 ...which is pretty typical for me. Find out tomorrow how many fertilise. I am going to do another cycle shortly after this one if it doesnā€™t take, thanks for letting me know this, sounds more common than I thought. Do you mind me asking how your results with back-to-back IUI went? Sounds a bit stressful! Iā€™ve been concerned about back-to-back not being as effective...Would you do it again?

Tigr profile image
Tigrā€¢ in reply toAlexa3

Hi, first lets hope the 3 eggies behave nicely :) I had one cancelled IUI and then an IUI that did not work and then reacted too much to the drugs again in the following cycle which is not unusual for me (pcos, I make rather too many eggs but probably of questionable quality). I just found it incredibly stressful to have all the injections, then the 2ww and then straight away to injections. There was just no break and I react quite strongly on the meds also emotionally and by belly was just really bruised from the last cycle, so I would not find a place where the needle would not hurt and when I got it out it would bleed for quite a while. If you go for it, ice cubes will be your friends, they helped a lot managing the injections. It might be that this was just this cycle and not due to them being back-to-back (every cycle is a bit different), but yeah...I really did not like this and wanted to take a month off before switching to IVF. It really depends, some people say it is good and increases chances, some say it is stressful, some are happy with it. To be fair, the whole treatment is stress for the body, so maybe just see how you feel after this one and decide then. Do not feel pressured to do one or the other, it is really just about what you can do physically and mentally. Unfortunately this all seems more of a marathon than a short distance run, so it is important to look after your wellbeing and not just optimise yourself as a vessel šŸŒ»

Alexa3 profile image
Alexa3ā€¢ in reply toTigr

Hi, thanks for sharing your experience...sounds like back-to-back was really hard on your body...I will keep that in mind, anything that physically stressful is also not good for keeping a positive mindset!

I ended up with 2 eggs fertilised and the other one deteriorated. Had my transfer today so officially in the 2ww šŸ¤žšŸ».

Youā€™re absolutely right...Iā€™m going to focus on the current cycle and see how I feel after. This is a marathon so maintaining well-being is important.

Had a look at your page...I donā€™t know where youā€™re up to with honeymooning or cycle but I really hope that wherever you are, things are unfolding as you want them to x

Hope4usall profile image

I've had cycles where I did reflexology, acupuncture and it was a disaster where no eggs even fertilised. I have had other cycles where I have just taken a pregnacare vitamin and not much else and done loads better, so don't beat yourself up. It's important to try and relax and take some time out for you. Read, go for walks, mindfulness (down load the app mindful IVF). It will probably do you more good to just take some time out. Just do your best, and be kind to yourself xx good luck xx

Alexa3 profile image
Alexa3ā€¢ in reply toHope4usall

Thank you for your reply. This is good food for thought as thereā€™s something to be said for letting go. I downloaded the mindful IVF app last week and listened last night before I did EC today. First time Iā€™ve really helps to create a positive mindset. Have had a slow day today. Thank you. X

Hope4usall profile image
Hope4usallā€¢ in reply toAlexa3

No problem. I hope egg collection went well xx

EmGLA profile image

Hello i have a slightly different set of circumstances but my first cycle was cancelled on the 26th of July before egg collection due to poor response because of a clinic error. Iā€™m now due to start my second cycle on the 27th of August. So the clinic can do a fast turn around if you cancel before egg collection.

Good luck! Itā€™s never an easy decision.


Alexa3 profile image
Alexa3ā€¢ in reply toEmGLA

Thanks so much, I appreciate your response, good to know they can turn it around quickly when they need to.

I did EC this morning and I think Iā€™m going to do another cycle fairly quickly if my current one doesnā€™t work out. Sounds like youā€™ve had quite the start yourself, thanks for sharing, I really hope this cycle goes much better for you xx

EmGLA profile image
EmGLAā€¢ in reply toAlexa3

Oh I hope it went ok this morning!! Yeah itā€™s been a bit of a nightmare šŸ™ˆ. I finished my norethisterone today so just waiting for AF to start stimming again.

Best of luck for the next few days!! Xx

Alexa3 profile image
Alexa3ā€¢ in reply toEmGLA

Thanks! Iā€™m in the 2ww. Good luck with your next cycle, I know youā€™re due to start soon, fingers crossed šŸ¤žšŸ»

EmGLA profile image
EmGLAā€¢ in reply toAlexa3

Thanks!! You are right!! just waiting for AF to make an appearance so I can get started, currently worrying that I'm on day 4 and there is no sign, fingers crossed she'll arrive today. I hope your 2ww speeds by! Keeping everything crossed for you!!


Alexa3 profile image
Alexa3ā€¢ in reply toEmGLA

Thank you! Hope both of our cycles end with babies in our arms! Iā€™ve crossed everything for you too šŸ¤žšŸ»šŸ¤žšŸ»

Hope76 profile image

If itā€™s any consolation the cycle I took various supplements including DHEA & ubiquinol was my worst cycle ever and we ended up with nothing to transfer. My latest cycle I ditched everything except ubiquinol & folic acid and managed 5 eggs with 2 to transfer which seems to be the norm at aged 43.

When I was 39 took nothing but folic acid and a multivitamin and the result of my very first go at IVF is sitting next to me now aged 3.

Wishing you the very best of luck in this very difficult numbers & luck game x

Alexa3 profile image
Alexa3ā€¢ in reply toHope76

I know, youā€™re right, it does sound a bit random and very much like a numbers and luck game.

Iā€™m in the 2ww, fingers crossed, but managing my expectations. I will start again soon after this one if it doesnā€™t take.

Sounds like you are a good advocate for yourself, thatā€™s half the battle, I find.

I got pregnant at 40 with my daughter after a double transfer. It felt a lot easier than now...probably because the age thing is freaking me out a bit.

I hope we can both make this happen just one more time šŸ¤žšŸ»

Hope76 profile image

Yep itā€™s only now I realise I won the lottery once but struggling to hit the jackpot again!

Good luck the 2ww is bloody awful I just went through it,after the first week I was up through the night to toilet, sore boobs convinced myself it worked. Tested 3 days before OTD stupidly, got a negative then same on OTD was so convinced it had worked was devastated. We transferred 2 & had nothing to freeze šŸ˜•. At 43 my clinic are suggesting donor eggs now. However am still convinced maybe one more go as my embryos were same quality as the ones I had when 39. Finding it hard to accept and some days think maybe we should just be happy with our one miracle . So disheartening though spending close to 15k with no luck yet.... I know am destined to have 2 kids itā€™s just so bloody hard.

Anyway sorry donā€™t want to put a dampener on your 2ww hoping to god you have more luck than me. šŸ€šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸ™šŸ»

Did you have a single or double transfer ? x

Alexa3 profile image
Alexa3ā€¢ in reply toHope76

Yes I remember your had all symptoms consistent with pregnancy...I really thought you were going to get your BFP. It was so disappointing to hear your result, my heart ached for you.

Iā€™m not too far from donor eggs myself...but not prepared to give up just yet. You donā€™t need to accept anything you donā€™t want to, if you want 2 kids, you will have 2 kids, itā€™s just a means of how. Itā€™s good to keep your options open but only you will know when youā€™re ready to go down that path.

Yes I transferred both. And my wee embryos looked the same as my last double transfer but Iā€™m not terribly confident as I know there is still lots of time for things to go awry over the 2ww (otherwise both would have made it last time) and things are more likely to go awry now as I am significantly older in terms of my fertility. I still wish I had done a bit more this time so I could feel better about this period of absolute purgatory but itā€™s too late now and I need to invest my energy in this cycle.

Hope youā€™re feeling a bit better about things and hopefully getting some answers so you can figure out your next move. No reason we both canā€™t win the lottery twice!


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