I am not sure why I can't seem to find a forum for US, as I am in the states but you ladies continue to be so helpful. I read a few posts saying most women had to wait four months post MC. I had a d&c a week and a half ago, and I'm going in Monday morning to check if my levels have gone down. I bled for about a week two days post surgery (no bleeding prior so MC was a complete shock) and I'm wondering if that could have been a period. This was very different then my last natural miscarriage where I bleed for two full months.
How soon after a miscarriage did you ... - Fertility Network UK
How soon after a miscarriage did you do your next transfer?

It ended up being 6 months for me after my mmc. It wouldn’t have been so long but I had a cancelled cycle in between where my lining did not behave. I had my mc early November and my consultant was reluctant but agreed I could start a long FET from day 21 of my Cycle starting in December but that cycle was eventually cancelled in Feb and restarted. Good luck, hopefully not too long to wait x

Thanks April mama!! My first MC was three years ago :(. I am hoping to get started asap, but also don't want to risk another mc.
My consultant just said it was up to me and when I was ready. I miscarried in January, like you it was a complete shock as no bleeding. It was actually April/may time when I was emotionally ready to try again. So sorry for your loss, and good luck to you for the future xx
Six months after my first miscarriage but this was because it was badly managed and ended up in surgery after bleeding for months. And then two months after my chemical pregnancy. I’m really sorry to hear about your miscarriages and good luck with your transfer x
Mine was also six months but I ended up having 3 operations in all, I was told would normally be three months after surgery if it had all gone to plan. I think that’s pretty standard. I also bled a couple of days post surgery and was told not to count that as first cycle but needed three after that. Sorry for your loss and hope you are ok xx
Hi Hun, sorry for your loss. I bled for 7 days, six weeks after mc and started FET cycle at the start of my next period. So total 10 weeks after mc. Hope this helps! Good luck x
Thanks for taking the time to respond to me! I am happy to hear you didn't have to wait 6 months. I also checked your profile and saw you're due in October ♥️. So exciting. I know most people need time to recover after a MC but I'm ready to start trying again.. it's been a long long road !!
Sorry for your loss. I had a miscarriage following a FET in March at about 6 weeks. I bled for about a week then, and then it was about five weeks before my next period. They would have let me do another transfer that cycle, but I needed a break and waited three cycles to feel ready to try again. I’m also in the US.
Thanks Kiki!! I totally understand needing time to process. I did too after our first MC, but that was three years ago and I'm just ready to be a mom🙏. How did your fet go??
I am so sorry for what you’re going through.
I had a D&C after mine, it took 6 weeks from miscarrying to getting my period and in the cycle immediately following that I did a natural FET. I now have my son.
I would imagine every case is different, but if there is no medical reason not to, it really comes down to whether you’re emotionally ready. I, like you, just wanted to get on with things.

Thanks Mogwai! I am hoping this will be the case for us. I did a natural fet with this MC so I am hoping it was just a "fluke" as they call it and our next frozen transfer will be successful as well (our first fresh transfer failed).