14+4, bed rest and bag of emotions - Fertility Network UK

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14+4, bed rest and bag of emotions

bms12 profile image
22 Replies

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Big bleed on Sunday, diagnosed with a subchorionic haematoma, unfortunately I'm still bleeding - which currently means I'm pretty much on bed rest as I think my Hb levels are now low, I dont want to aggrivate the bleeding and nobody will even entertain me on the phone until Monday if I'm still bleeding (at this rate I still will be). To top it off I think I may now have a UTI, which will also have to wait until Monday 😣 havent stopped crying due to hormones being all over the place, I am so happy to be carrying this baby (who was perfectly happy and measuring ahead at our scan monday), but I am also so flipping miserable right now!!

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bms12 profile image
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22 Replies
Kempton profile image

Sorry to read this. Get someone to go out and buy a load of cranberry juice and just drink that and loads of water to try and clear the UTI. Rest up and I hope you get some reassurance on Monday!

Noah1981 profile image

Good luck darling plenty of rest as ordered to do so and just hang in there xxx

Kitcat12 profile image

Oh bless you, it's horrible having a SCH! Keep resting and stay as relaxed as you can. I really hope it absorbs itself soon. Did they explain how big the bleed is abs where it's located? x

bms12 profile image
bms12 in reply to Kitcat12

Bleed is underneath the gestational sac, on top of my cervix. They didn't give measurements but it must be about 8cm in length and maybe 2-3cm wide based on its side in relation to the baby x

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to bms12

Oh lovely, it must be a very scary time. Mine started off quite large, it took around 3 weeks to completely resolve itself. I hope you don't have much longer to worry about this x

bms12 profile image
bms12 in reply to Kitcat12

That's reassuring to hear, some people it seems to go on for months 😪 and I'm not sure I'm mentally prepared for that x

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to bms12

I really hope that's not the case! Here if you need a chat x

bms12 profile image
bms12 in reply to Kitcat12

I'm currently going stir crazy at home Haha, husband works 12 hour nights so when hes working I barely see him for 4 days. To top that off one of my best friends currently isnt speaking to me as she doesn't want to talk or be reminded of anything baby related because they have just started trying - with their second round currently working so I guarantee in 2 weeks if shes pregnant she will want to tell me all about it 🙄, and I told her it's a bit hard for me not to talk about being pregnant right now as it's the only thing happening in my life as I cannot do anything else, so she now no longer wants to speak to me.

I know part of me is being irrational, but right now I do not have the capacity to extend my worries to anyone else 🤷‍♀️

bms12 profile image
bms12 in reply to Kitcat12

And I'm upset because she cant even come round for an hour to help prevent me going stir crazy 🤷‍♀️

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to bms12

That's awful! I've been so glad of the support from my friends and I can't imagine how hard that must be for you. All I want to talk about is my pregnancy, it's the first (and probably only) time I'm going to experience this. I'm not keeping quiet for anyone! Do you have other friends you can talk to? x

bms12 profile image
bms12 in reply to Kitcat12

I've got my sister in law, but with it now being half term and she has an 8 and 2.5 year old and with me not being allowed to drive to hers my main source of interaction has gone Haha. I'm going to have to go back to work at the end of next week though so this can only continue for another week

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to bms12

Take your time! If you're not ready to go back to work then stay home, look after yourself and baby x

bms12 profile image
bms12 in reply to Kitcat12

Unfortunately my maternity test pay period starts the 1st of August so I've got to earn a certain amount each week. Not what I need at this time but needs must! X

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to bms12

If you're signed off work sick would you not still qualify? That's rubbish! x

bms12 profile image
bms12 in reply to Kitcat12

No, the consultant I saw after my scan wouldn't sign me off, even though she told me to rest, that I'm not allowed to spend long on my feet or even go up and down too many stairs. I did try explaining that I work 13 hour shifts as a healthcare assistant In the hospital which involves a lot of moving and handling but she wouldn't sign me off. And the other side of things is that I'm a flexible worker, as it meant I waste letting wards down for ivf appointments and while I'm in uni. Student finance doesn't count towards mat allowance even though I'm a student nurse and work 37 hours unpaid a week, however I fortunately have this summer off (which is the only summer during my degree I'm not on placement) so I can work enough hours to get a decent mat allowance because I'll start mat leave at Christmas from uni and wont go back until the October x

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to bms12

Wow, that is awful! You should definitely be signed off. It sounds like your job is intense so try to take it easy as much as possible x

bms12 profile image
bms12 in reply to Kitcat12

I will, fortunately 90% of the people I work with are wonderful and don't let me get in a position where il end up straining myself, unfortunately even doing the lighter work is still a lot of work. Quite often the only time we sit down is when we finally get chance to do the paperwork. Which isnt much in the grand scheme of things. The only good news is that at least it's not a new job and the work load is what my body is used too, I've also become a pro at not using abdominal muscles while working Haha

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to bms12

Well please do take care and go as slow as you can. Hope to hear some good news about this bleed soon x

bms12 profile image
bms12 in reply to Kitcat12

And to add to all of this, my doppler has been my lifesaver for calming my nerves at least a little bit while waiting to be seen x

Laylaallen26 profile image
Laylaallen26 in reply to bms12

Hi I have a SCH in the exact same place as you. Its fairly similar in size too. I have spotted all through this pregnancy mainly brown but at 9 weeks had a huge bleed with big clots and convinced myself I had lost the baby. I'm almost 14 weeks now, the red bleeding lasted 3 days for me then switched to brown spotting which I'm still having now 4 weeks later. My SCH hasn't shrunk in size at all yet. I understand how you must be feeling iv been such an anxious mess thinking somethings going to happen to the baby but at each scan the baby has always been fine and non the wiser. It's such a scary thing to go through but it alot more common than we think. I don't have another scan now untill 20 weeks which makes me anxious. I never got told to go on bed rest but I took it upon my self to just take it easy at home and drink plenty of water. Hope you start to feel better soon x

Missy_22 profile image

I’m so sorry to hear this! I had one too but didn’t end well. You really must bed rest and not go to work. Take cranberry juice today until you can get some antibiotics as well. Look after you and that lovely baby xxx

Drives profile image

Really sorry to read this. Can't imagine how worrying it is and how crazy bed rest is driving you 🙈

Sending you some positive vibes and hope you've got some family/friends who can help keep your spirits up x x

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