Hi ladies just wondered after beating myself up all week what I done wrong this time round that my iui failed I wondered if there is possibly anything else I can do different in preparation for my second round.AF arrived today and it’s just made the reality hit home a bit harder that it failed first time .I didn’t drink I ate healthy and I tried to be as relaxed as I could be it’s been emotional since my partner got home yesterday as I imagined our weekend to be one of exciting planning (I know I got ahead of myself) don’t we all ? Anyways ladies have a lovely weekend and we will keep fighting the fight I suppose till we get our happy ever after I mean poor Snow White slept for 100 yrs till a Prince came along and woke her with a kiss if only fertility treatment was that easy 💁♀️💁♀️ Xx
Second iui prep: Hi ladies just... - Fertility Network UK
Second iui prep

I'm in tears for u hun as I'm preparing to go for my first round IUI and I'm terrified but I'm hoping and praying we get good news soon, if u ever need talk I'm always always hear its such a heartbreaking and emotional journey when all u really want is to be a mom no one knows what it's like till there hot with it but hopefully all will work out in end, be thinking of u
I know these type of ‘tips’ aren’t really of any help but we got a bfp after our 5th iui (technically 3rd iui as two were cancelled) and all I did differently was force myself to go to bed half an hour earlier every night in an attempt to counteract end-of-term teacher tiredness as our cycle was in December. Also I had mentally given up and was ready to move on to ivf! Unfortunately the pregnancy didn’t work out but I definitely think sleeping more is worth a try as I felt generally healthier - but then I am always tired...
Anyway, best of luck for your next cycle x
Hi lovely. The only thing I different for my second ivf cycle personally was take 9293930 different vitamins and minerals and dhea in advice of my consultant. I’m currently on 10 day wait 😬 so remains to be seen. I had a lot of meds changes but mine was egg quantity and quality. Im sorry it didn’t turn out positive for you. I blamed myself and thought I was the worlds biggest failure and I had let my husband down. I then became kinder to myself and realised how much we actually do throughout this process and you can’t beat yourself up. I hope your wedding plan help “distract” you even though so much easier said than done! Relax, take some time to enjoy yourself and let yourself go a little bit of you can. Take care X x x
Im sorry dear to hear this news , I believe there is nothing that you did wrong , It just devil he is trying to make us give up . DON'T give us derlng go for another round i know it hurt ive been there . But after few days you will be fine and prepare for a next round giving up is not an option let support one another and we will pass this and have our little one like other womans.
Keep well
Hey, dont over think it! You are doing right by taking care of yourself and thats all you can do in this situation. The clinic/nurses will talk you through anything else that can be done to help, but in the mean time just take care ☺️✨
Please don’t beat yourself up. IUI has very low success rates. You didn’t do anything wrong. It has about an 80% chance of not working each try! I am hopeful you will be one of the ladies that beats the odds to get your BFP X
I haven’t got tips but just sending you lots of luck! X

Thank you xx August 8th for follow up and treatment plan xx