Its been a while since I’ve been on here so I hope everyone is well. I needed a break from all things fertility after our third failed cycle over the summer. We’ve had some time out to be ourselves, go on holiday and have fun. It has been a relief not to think about fertility every waking hour. We’ve recently got a puppy and are in a happy place and have started to think about the future and what that means for us family wise.
I am not sure that I have another cycle in me so we are thinking about all possible options, two being donor egg and adoption but neither of us sold on those just yet. I’m wondering whether IUI might be an option.
I have low amh and embryo quality been an issue on my previous cycles & we’ve never had anything to freeze. Our last cycle was the best in terms of mature eggs and fertilisation rate but also the one with the least drugs (although even then we had two poor four cell embryos transferred back on day 3). That has me wondering whether my fragile geriatric (I’m 36!) eggs would stand more chance if they weren’t bombarded with drugs. I think I’d still need support both for the luteal phase and follicular phase due to short cycles and poor lining but at least my eggs wouldn’t get nuked.
As someone who has never been pregnant, I know that IUI is probably a long shot but I wondered if anyone had tried it or had it presented as a possible option? Thanks ash