You wouldn’t believe I walked into the consultants office today and he was excited and ready to do my viability scan..🤭😵 I bursted into tears when I realised what was going on.
I then explained there was no longer a pregnancy etc etc... he was so apologetic as he genuinely didn’t know what had happened and there was no notes on my files.
My last conversation with the nurse prior to this appointment I notified her about what happened... she told me she would update my notes 📝 so exactly what happened today wouldn’t happen... How insensitive?
I’m quite annoyed tbh😒
Anyway moving forward... I’ve been referred to have Thyroid and NK testing done before my next transfer. first I have heard of it but he seemed to be convinced that this could possibly be the cause of my miscarriage.
He was pleased that I actually did fall pregnant and think this will happen again but he may need to adjust my medication based on my NK and Thyroid results.
Just thought I would update you all as I haven’t heard/read any posts regarding these tests.
If you had these done what extra meds was prescribed? Was you able to have a healthy pregnancy?