Hi guys
I’m waiting for my first round of IVF. I know which clinic is like to use but we are still waiting for our appointment.
I’ve been chatting with my boss about the time off I will need as I’m already flapping about it.
I have a pretty stressful job (at times) and I know there will be lots of appts etc. I’m just not sure how many so am looking for a bit more info.
My employer would treat it like a normal medical appt so that would normally involve working it back, however, that worries me as I feel like I will be working 7 days a week to try and make my time back. It’s obviously a time where I need not to be stressed too.
How much time am I likely to need off/what is the appt schedule normally like?
Did any of you just take the whole time off as sick to minute stress and make the working time back not a worry?
Any advice would be appreciated