I've been hiding recently after the Moderate OHSS and freeze all cycle we had after feeling so unwell. I completely buried my head in the sand about fertility and having children.
Now we're coming up to the next attempt, approximately a week off trying a FET cycle and I am stressed. Work is making me ill mentally, I'm stressed, my anxiety is coming back, I've started having panic attacks and palpitations again and I'm petrified my depression is rearing its Fugly head. I've just had a lovely week of leave but work have still found ways to contact me and make me upset and stressed when I'm not even there. I'm scared I'm going to break and this is going to effect our FET. I honestly dont know if I can face or mentally deal with a failed FET. The idea of failing again scares me so much. It makes me feel like so much of a failure especially everywhere I look there are women with young babies and pregnant bumps. Something i want so selfishly with no guarantee of it happening. Theres also no way I could deal with delaying it. We've waited so long again for the clinic to fit us in and they're already fully booked for July.
It doesn't help that my SiL is pregnant again. They weren't even trying. I want to be happy but they rub it in our faces knowing the whole IVF saga and then we have to sit through comments like "we knew you had it in you" "only real men make babies" "this is the true calling of being a women being able to have babies" "you're amazing growing a human" and they sit all smug knowing what we're going through and I find it very hard to not be bitter and keep my sanity when they clearly dont give a toss.
Sorry for the ranting. Anyone got any advice on how to not loose your sh*t going through this?
I've done everything I normally do to stop a "derailment", exercise, yoga, colouring, mindfulness, holiday, and it's not working... is it maybe time I went to my Doc and told them I'm struggling...?