We are 3 days into a medicated FET cycle and as the title says, I’m really struggling to get my head into it.
Our first cycle failed about 7 weeks ago and I was not in a good way afterwards so think I’m probably still processing that. We went for our follow up appointment last week expecting them to say we could start again in about 6 months time, but came out a bit shell shocked as he said we could start that day.
Obviously we had the choice to defer but it took us 2 years from referral to completing cycle 1 so I feel like we need to crack on.
First time round I got super healthy - didn’t drink for the best part of a year, ate really well and did a lot of meditation and what not. But since our cycle failed I’ve eaten badly and done a lot of drowning my sorrows in a bottle of wine! It’s tough throwing yourself back in, mentally and physically when you’re so unprepared and I’m worried I should have waited?