we have just found out our first fresh cycle has failed, it was a 5AA so I’m really upset as I thought it had a good chance. What happens with a frozen transfer and is there anyone out there where the first has failed but got lucky on the second. Thanks in advance and is there anything I should be asking my clinic
Success stories from Frozen transfer - Fertility Network UK
Success stories from Frozen transfer

both my frozen transfers have got us lucky, 2 year old and 32+5 with the other. the chemical with our fresh. frrizne transfer seemed a lot easier on the body than. all the best.
Our fresh transfer ended in chemical, and had one frozen embryo to transfer (which took six days rather than five to reach blastocyst). She’s currently fast asleep on my chest after a good feed Good luck xxx
Me! You can read my profile 🙂
Third frozen cycle was lucky for us, at least so far. It's definitely easier on the body than the fresh one and apparently the odds of positive test with FET are higher. ❤️
Hey. My frozen transfer is currently cooking at 21+4. I think the most recent research shows that frozen transfers are more successful than fresh as your body has more time to recover from the stims etc.
Yes I have read this so fingers crossed. Congratulations. Do you know how long we will be waiting before they start frozen transfer x x
We waited approx 4 months, but it was delayed as the hospital closed for a bit due to covid (omicron). I reckon you’ll have a review with your consultant and then they’ll wait for you to have a bleed and then you can probably go again. We had a medicated transfer, which was approx 6weeks from starting meds to transfer day.
My first fresh transfer failed, my second frozen worked but sadly ended In miscarriage. Im a day away from testing from another fresh transfer. I found the FET a lot easier on the body as the stimulation meds make me feel very inflamed. I don’t think this fresh has worked and was a good quality embryo. I’ve got two frozen so really hoping for some success with one of those. Wishing you all the best and keeping everything crossed for you! Xx
I had two chemicals/early losses after back to back fresh transfers and then my third transfer/first FET worked. Personally I found FETs much gentler and I felt much better physically and mentally than after a collection. Best of luck ☘️
Hello, my fresh transfer failed and was a 5 1:1 best grade could have clinic said. First FET same grade was unfortunately an early miscarriage. 2nd FET with lower grade 5 2:2 is currently 4 months old. FETs are easier on the body. Good luck! X
Hey Oakwood22. I've had a similar experience to others on this thread. First fresh transfer was chemical. Then I had a successful FET (now 2 years old) and I'm 14 weeks pregnant with our third embryo - also frozen. I definitely found FETs so much gentler physically, but the process does feel like it takes ages! I think I expected a frozen to be super quick, but with down regulating, then drugs and lining scans before final transfer, it's quite a long lead-up. Good luck and hope you get lucky with a frostie x