Night before ET and half the pessary fell into the toilet!! Gross I know but I took it out, rinsed and put it back in!! I didn't want to use a new one and have too much. Maybe the progesterone melted into the toilet already ... now I have too little. There's nothing I can do but has anyone else done this? So wish there was an IVF out of hours helpline. I'm getting everything wrong.
1/2 pessary fell into toilet - Fertility Network UK
1/2 pessary fell into toilet

Not with a pessary but I lost half an injection once trying to get the bubble out so I know the panic is real!
Sounds like you got most of it and I think they melt from heat because they’re waxy, so unlikely the water would melt it. I’d try not to worry, I reckon you’ll be absolutely fine.
All the best for your transfer tomorrow xx
Thank you for reassuring. So gross but had to be done!!
Haha, no judgement here. All dignity goes out the window with ivf 😂
Yeah. No one tells you that!! I've seriously never panicked so much, messed things up, been so stressed, been so high, so low. Nothing can prepare you. Then to be picking pessaries out of the toilet the night before ET - who could have thought baby making would be so messy 😂
I was told by one of the nurses that it's absolutely fine if that happens. Don't try to put it back or use a new one. After you insert it in, the vaginal wall will absorb the required amount and will discard the rest.
I've been using them since a month now and I see few bits and pieces of the capsule floating in the urine all the time !
Hope your transfer goes well today. Any tips on the pessaries. Due to start mine this weekend.

I just started mine too, I asked if I could do backdoor in the morning and front door in the afternoon. They said it’s fine so I’ll try that
I asked the same but they said they would rather i just went to the front door as it's more direct. I can go to the back door if i get any irritations etc. My friend who has been through 3 cycles said the backdoor is much easier. Let me know how you get on over the next few days.

So the doctor said it wasn't ideal if I'd used a used one ... But he wasn't overly concerned as we did the ET. What he did say was that if it falls out and it's only been in for 5-10mins or so - just chuck it and use and new one. Good luck xx
Thank you x

Obviously dropping it in the toilet and using it was just stupid. But I just panicked ... If I was thinking straight I could have cut a new one in half and used it. Such an idiot!!! But my embryo is now snug in my body and that's all that matters. Hope it goes well for you xx
Do you know what? Think i would of done the same. 😂