Pregnancy after miscarriage - Fertility Network UK

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Pregnancy after miscarriage

JMNE profile image
7 Replies

Hi everyone. I got a positive result on Friday (OTD was Friday but it showed up on an HPT on Tuesday so we've known for a few days now) after many rounds of treatment but I'm absolutely terrified. My last two positives ended with a miscarriage, one at 12 weeks and the other at only 5-6. So now, I'm very very newly pregnant but have such a heightened awareness of everything and I'm freaking out at every single twinge I feel. I'm just wondering if anyone else had been through the experience? I keep reading that it's normal to have some mild cramping and twinges very early on but I can't help but be terrified that this isn't going to be 'normal' and I'm going to end up losing this one too.

Anyone else been in the same boat? How do we manage the anxiety for (hopefully!) 9 months!?

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JMNE profile image
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7 Replies
ADC2019 profile image

Im still in 2ww and i am the same. I have spent last few days fretting over every thing my body does convincing myself something is wrong. I want nothing more then to have a baby but after getting my hopes up last year i think im just waiting for it to go wrong again. If i do get a bfp i think i am going to look into some sort of relaxation therapy because im far too anxious now. i know it's not healthy and my husband is worrying about me. Easier said than done but i think you need to allow yourself to be happy about this pregnancy and try not to stress yourself out with worry. Best wishes and congratulations x

JMNE profile image
JMNE in reply to ADC2019

Thank you for replying. It's so so worrying isn't it! I really want to enjoy it, I just wish I wasn't getting these twinges and cramps every now and again... I don't know what 'normal' pregnancy pains feel like as every time I've had them, they've ended in a loss. I'm trying to just take every day as it comes and I'm hoping that because the pains I'm getting aren't constant and I've not had any bleeding yet, that they're ok... but then I'm scared to think that everything will be ok because I know that there is a possibility that it won't be. Maybe I need to look into some relaxation techniques too. Best of luck with the rest of your 2ww I really hope it's a positive result for you. Xx

Caroliono4 profile image

I'm 10+2 with a DE after 4 natural mcs. I've had brown spotting with this pregnancy, exactly the same as my miscarriages started, and I'm finding it really hard not to panic every time. So far I've been to the EPU twice to check that everything is ok. They have been brilliant but no-one can explain the cause of the spotting (I'm guessing it's just further implantation/growing) and all I want to know is whether it's normal or not.

The last week or so my constipation stopped so that's another thing I've been panicking about. We had a scan before our NIPT blood test today, and everything looks okay, although waiting for the blood test results is going to be another worrying week.

I'm trying to control the anxiety through exercise, walking or cycling in to work and am planning to go swimming this week as this always make me more relaxed. I've also used hypnotherapy audiobooks in the past to help with a fear of flying so might give that a go.

Wishing you all the best with your pregnancy. Sorry I don't have any magic answers, all I can think to do is break it down into little milestones at the moment. If you have any worrying symptoms I'd definitely make use of your local EPU, if you're able to self-refer. Tommy's also has a helpline with midwives who provide advice:

JMNE profile image
JMNE in reply to Caroliono4

Thank you so much for your reply. I’m so sorry you’ve had such a difficult journey to this point, but it’s brilliant everything looked good on your scan today! It’s also good they don’t seem concerned about your spotting, but I completely understand your worry.

I’m back to my clinic tomorrow for another HCG test, I just want to know that it’s progressing, although I really don’t think it will ease my mind much. Once I have that result I’m going to my GP to make everything official so I can make myself known to the EPU ASAP. They’re going to love me haha popping up every evening!

I’m trying to take each day as a milestone at the minute, I’m hoping if things do progress then I’ll stretch to each week being a milestone, then each scan appointment... I’m just terrified I’m not going to reach any of them.

Why can’t we have just completely incident free pregnancies where we don’t see/feel a thing until the first kick!!


I’ve had 3 mc so no happy story not yet anyway, I do feel your anxiety! Lots of best wishes for you I hope everything goes well 🤞🏼xx

Debrakay1704 profile image

Hi, It is so hard especially with what you have been through, I had 3 loses and am now pregnant and it was really hard up until the 12 weeks scan and I have managed to relax a bit, distraction is the best thing but the hardest thing to do. Hypnotherapy really helps and I did painting (don't laugh) paint by numbers but it really kept my mind off things. wish you well with your pregnancy. xxxx

This was me this time last year. 7 cycles 3 BFN's a chemical then miscarriage. I spent the whole 9 months anxious. Advice - don't give yourself a hard time for feeling like this after your journey to get here it's only natural. I tried to break the 9 months down into smaller milestones. I told my midwife and consultant about my anxiety and they organised extra scans. I had a bleed at 7 weeks. Stay strong you got this 💪 💪💪 hopefully once your bump gets bigger you'll find reassurance in that. Best of luck x X x

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