Ivf cycle immediately after miscarria... - Fertility Network UK

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Ivf cycle immediately after miscarriage/chemical pregnancy?

Violet180 profile image
14 Replies

So my hcg levels dropped from 849 down to 43 and I was told to stop taking meds. Found this out at 6 weeks but likely dropped at 5 weeks. So i started bleeding yesterday 3 days after I found out about the drop in hcg and had a follow up appointment at my clinic. The doctor said I could start another collection and transfer cycle immediately if my hcg drops below 5 by tomorrow on 3rd day of my cycle. So simply injections tomorrow... I'm confused...is it ok to start another cycle this soon? I thought this bleed wasnt classes as a regular bleed? Has anyone else cycled again this soon after miscarriage/ chemical pregnancy??


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Violet180 profile image
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14 Replies

So sorry to hear about your loss. I was told I should wait 3 months post MC before my next cycle, and they wouldn't be willing to do it any sooner than that. I know after my MCs my cycles have been so confused I felt my body needed a bit of time to settle down again.

I guess it depends on each person and how you feel about things but I have tried quick back to back cycles (after a failed cycle literally the next month) and in hindsight I just wasn't ready physically or mentally. After all my MC I have needed a few months to just get my body straight and my mind straight.. but I do know other people who feel cracking on again is a positive move.

Wishing you masses of luck whatever you choose xx

Missl73 profile image

I’m sorry for your loss. My miscarriage was a bit later than yours, 10 weeks, but my doctor also told me I could cycle again as soon as I got my period. For me it was a mistake, my body wasn’t ready and it simply did not respond to the drugs and I ended up with a cancelled cycle 7 days into stims. I gave myself a break and let my body recover with a natural period before going again and we had our best ever cycle. Not all women’s bodies are going to be the same but if I had my time again I would allow for a natural bleed in between to give my natural hormones some time to recover and re-set.

Violet180 profile image
Violet180 in reply to Missl73

Wow. Thank you for sharing your experience.

Sorry for your loss - been there and it’s not fun. I was told to wait 1 natural cycle post miscarriage before undergoing IVF again.

Good luck to you in your decision and next steps.

Violet180 profile image

I might not have a choice anyway as I'm not sure it would drop enough by tomorrow anyway.

I also feel as though I am burying my feelings abit. But it's just hard to deal with at christmas time and the distraction has helped my sadness. Alternatively if I get more bad news at the end of the cycle it may hit twice as hard.

Missl73 profile image
Missl73 in reply to Violet180

Totally understand I lost mine on 7th December last year and we flew home to Australia to be with family for Christmas and didn’t get to announce our pregnancy as we had hoped. What I can say is the break and a change of scene really helped me, we did lots of things we enjoy, ate good food, drank wine and let our hair down so by the time the new year came emotionally we were in a much better place to try again. I know the feeling of just wanting to go again so it feels like taking action but a break can also be good for your body and help you have a better future cycle. Good luck whatever happens, your time will come xxx

hifer profile image

So sorry for your loss. I was told to wait at least one cycle before going again. I really think the body (at least mine) would benefit from the break. However I speak as someone who doesn't get on well with drugs so each to their own. You will know if you body is ready to go again. x

MontsJ profile image

Following my miscarriage at 8 weeks I was advised to wait one cycle, so I had my miscarriage bleed and then waited 6 weeks for my next natural period. I finished this then waited a month before starting my next round at the onset of my next period. Unfortunately I had a poor response and my cycle was cancelled so unlike Miss173’s experience it was worse than my first cycle. My clinic did advise that if I did not feel emotionally ready I should wait longer after my miscarriage.

Do what feels right for your body and mind. All the best to you x

Cinderella5 profile image

I wasnt allowed to go straight away (I only got to 6wks), got told I could start on the 3rd bleed which I found pretty frustrating. I would imagine different Dr's have different opinions so go with what you feel comfortable with. If you dont feel ready then give yourself a wee break and start after Xmas. The sadness of the loss does hang about more than we realise so perhaps some time would be a good thing.xx

I’m so sorry for your loss. :(

I had also a miscarriage around 6 weeks after FET#1. My clinic told me I should wait one cycle (1 month). So after a month when I had my period my new FET cycle started.

My body and mind were not ready and the cycle ended up being canceled after 3O days because there were no signs of ovulation (it was an attempt to have a natural FET).

Immediately after that I started a new cycle, but this time a medicated FET with progynova. It worked, I'm 28 weeks pregnant.

Wishing you the best of luck whatever you choose!


SharlyWarly profile image

Oh I'm so sorry for you :-( I had a missed miscarriage last year, found out on 2 Jan. What a way to start the year. It's hard and my thoughts are with you. I would wait at least one natural period. Your body needs to catch up with what's happened and so does your mind/heart x

sadievalentie profile image

Hi there! How are you? I hope you are feeling better. So violet, first of all, i am sorry for your failure. Other than that, in my opinion it's not good to opt for a treatment that soon. Your body needs rest and time to gain back its strength. But i think it depends on the person, it's not same for everyone. If you think you are ready for it and the doctor is also positive. Then i don't think you have a big problem here. I hope it works out for you. Good luck. Stay blessed. Take care. Bye!

LorrieWalden profile image

Hi Violet! How are you? I feel so bad for you. So many failed attempts, even one failed attempt is hard enough to deal with. It took me more than 5 years to make it work for me. So you need to hold on tight. No you shouldn't rush into IVF after such things. Your body needs rest. In my opinion, you should wait atleast 3-4 months after a miscarriage. If you rush into things, then your chances of success are low. I hope this helps you. Be patient and everything will work out. Good luck! Stay blessed. Take care. Bye!

Alyssa123 profile image

Hey Violet! I hope you are doing better now. No need of going for IVF right after that. Give your body some time to heal. If you just try for IVF like this, the chances are very low that it will work. You need to wait and relax. You have a lot of time, opting for treatment right away can even make things bad for you. I hope you understand this. If you wait and let your body recover, the chances of success for you will be high. I don't know who's telling you to start another cycle this soon, but it's not a good thing. Good luck! Stay blessed. Take care. Bye!

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