I replaced maca with flaxseed a month ago as the maca had stopped having an effect after taking it for 4 years. Its been 35 days since my last period and ive had sore boobs for the last week with some dull cramps, but still no period. Has anyone had a period delayed for this long and been taking it?
Flaxseed: I replaced maca with flaxseed... - Fertility Network UK

Hi Its probably because youve changed to flaxseed maybe needs a good few months to settle. What did you notice changed over the 4 years taking maca for you to stop using it?

My periods became irregular and i was extemely hormonal a lot including getting nausea and dizziness. It was like being pregnant but i wasnt. I took maca and it improved my moods and regulated my cycle, it really is good stuff! But the benefits wear off after a while as youre body gets used to it and i was worse than before so i stopped taking it.
I've took it before but was taking so many other supplements not sure what effect if any as i only took its for about 2 months then we conceived the 3rd cycle. I've started taking it again as we miscarried and my cycles have been shorter supposed to be good in general for fertility so why not try again.

I need a good break from it for it to work again. I only conceived once in 20 months and miscarried on it, but my problem is damaged tubes. I mainly take suppliments to balance my hormones as even though thr drs tests say they are nomal, they arent as they make me so ill!
If you can find something that works for you then take it. Have you ever done caster oil packs? suppose to cleanse the uterus I do then now and again but I find they make my ovulation pains stronger not sure if thats a good thing tho lol

Yes ive done the packs though not the last couple of months and i really like them. Just annoying you can only do them for 2 weeks. Ive tried everything, my first was easy that was 4 years ago, but this time seems impossible. Times ticking on as im 39 now so we are looking at having ivf in the summer.
I'm 39 too trying for my 3rd with a new partner we've had 3 mc nothing found to be "wrong" just age. I dont even get 2 weeks to do the packs I ovulate on cd 10/11 so 5/6 days after af I usually get 1 in.

So sorry youve had 3 mc. Your cycle is short, maybe you should try flaxeed lol. I saw a programme yesterday about a couple that had constant misscarriages, even ivf nothing worked. She found out she was deficiant in the 3 vits and minerals that halp sustain a pregnancy. She took those suppliments then had a baby 🙂. I wish i could take suppliments for my tubal issues but theres not much i can do.
When I took DHEA my cycles went to 28 days im on cycle 4 now my last one stretched to 25 which was my norm(ish) length so hopefully getting back to normal. Ive took loads of supplements in the past its hard to know if your doing right nobody helps you my fertility dr said are you taking folic acid and vit D as that might help I felt like that was basic knowledge. I've already tried baby asprin with my last pregnancy it was the weakest of the 3 pregnancies. We were offered any other treatment.

Ive taken loads of suppliments too. I found chasteberry gave me the worst cramps and made my cycles longer so that was the worst one. We werent offered treatment either, as there are no issues appart from my tubes and i have a four year old two grown up stepkids so not eligable for anything. They recommended we have ivf and keep trying naturally. She said i can get pregnant but likely to take a long time and we shouidnt waste anymore time. Said i shouid concentrate on my egg health so i take co enzyme q10. She went mad at me for taking maca! She clearly didnt know what it was and said its probably making things worse. But western medecine and drs hate natural remedies. We are having to try and find the money for ivf ourselves.
Thats true I dont think they can even advise to take it, Ive took ubiquinol instead of coq10 I also took pqq which is suppose to make new mitochondria all good for egg health but I found although conceiving quicker it didnt help, the sac was abnormal they couldnt find the pregnancy at 9w thought it was ectopic. I wish it had worked I had pinned alot on them supplements.

We try what we can, its better than doing nothing and we may just find that one thing that works. I was taking proxeed which is what specialist recommended. £40 a month and didnt really agree with me. It was mostly q10 so i just take that now, amongst all the others lol. I tried royal jelly too but it delayed ovulation and produces eaostrogen which i dont need!

Hi there, sorry to jump in here, hope it’s ok to ask, what does pqq stand for? Egg quality is an issue for me and will try anything new I haven’t heard of yet. Xx
Pyrroloquinoline quinone

Thank you. I’ve never heard of that one. Must look into it. X
It’s best taken with coq10 or ubiquinol

Oh ok. So would it not be much good without ubiquinol you think? I took 600mg of ubiquinol for 5 months. Is it similar to ubiquinol? Thank you x
Don’t really know I took both it’s supposed to make new mitochondria which is the battery in cells, ubiquinol is supposed to give the cell energy and protect from free radicals from what I remember. There some you tube video explaining I watched.

Brill. Thanks so much xx
Im off the flax now, didnt feel too good on it. Back to maca now ive had a break, and q10 amongst all my other vits. Never taken ubiquinol. Took royal jelly but it delayed my ovulation and made my cycle longer x