Progesterone pessaries after BFP - Fertility Network UK

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Progesterone pessaries after BFP

DanniiJean profile image
15 Replies

Hi all, had a positive test and called the clinic who have increased the pessaries from 2 to 3 a day since yesterday. Today I feel quite crampy like a period is due. Could this be from the increase or should I be worried? I think today I’m classed as 4 weeks pregnant. Help!

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DanniiJean profile image
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15 Replies
MissSaoPaulo profile image

If they're quite mild cramps it's probably your uterus expanding. I had cramps most of the way through the 2ww wait and for a while after the positive. It's so hard to relax at this point, isn't it? We get stressed out about everything xxx

DanniiJean profile image
DanniiJean in reply to MissSaoPaulo

They are not too strong but I know they are there if that makes sense. I hope you are right, petrified of going the toilet in case I see any blood. So far all is fine. Thank you for responding x

InvisibleGirl profile image

Congratulations on your BFP! I hope it is a stickie bean <3. Whilst I can’t comment on the pessaries, I can tell you from personal experience that cramping AF style pains without bleeding is normal at 4 weeks. When I was pg with my first I felt the same way as expected AF any moment but it didn’t arrive. My HPT line kept getting stronger and my hormones kicked in making me very weepy. The cramping lasted about a week accompanied later by ligament stretching pains. I went on to have a healthy baby boy.

Sadly with my most recent pg, that one ended in very early mc. Again I got the AF style pains but this time I knew something wasn’t right as I’d only gotten a faint positive which actually started fading instead of getting stronger. So it was no surprise when AF came at 4w+5d 😢 On the day I started bleeding I had woken up to my pg symptoms completely disappearing. My boobs disappeared overnight. AF arrived that PM.

Lots of luck to you xx

DanniiJean profile image
DanniiJean in reply to InvisibleGirl

Thank you so much for responding, it’s reassuring to know it’s probably normal, my boobs are still heavy and my tests were quite strong lines at day 12 post transfer. So sorry to hear about your mc, must have been awful, I can not begin to imagine. Xx

staaa88 profile image

I’m at the same stage and I’m feeling very crampy, think it’s normal. Xx

DanniiJean profile image
DanniiJean in reply to staaa88

It does sound like it, you just worry all the time don’t you, especially when you have never been pregnant before you don’t know what to expect xx

Apples2665 profile image

I think the cramping is normal. I’m still getting it at 11 weeks but think part of the pressure I’m feeling is from enlarged follicles after the hormones (apparently pregnancy hormones can keep them big). Easier said then done (this is my first pregnancy too) but try to relax as much as possible. I’m just taking one day at a time and hoping for the best. Good luck and I hope you have a very happy and healthy pregnancy x

Zais profile image

Cramping is normal, i am now 8 weeks pregnant. I felts mild cramps all through even till now. I had a fresh transfer though so large ovaries were doing their thing too. I had brown spoting bleeding all through 5 weeks And bright red blood to 6 weeks. Did a private scan because i couldnt wait baby was fine and had a heart beat. I went to nhs early pregancy emergency too at seven weeks as i was stil seeing brown old blood and they checked everything was fine baby had a strong heartbeart. They said bleeding is normal all through first trimester if it does not fill a pad. As the implantation is still ongoing and diging deeper. They said if bleeding increases to come back in.

Try to stress less and drink plenty of water as though your life depend on it and get as much rest as possible. I know it easier said because i am currently on the same journey.

The high dose of pessaries is good as your body need all the pregesteron possible to support the baby. I am on that twice a day plus the oil injection. But i can’t comment on it causing cramping as i am not sure they were the reason for my cramping.

Congratulations on your BFP.

Pozzag83 profile image

The cramping is normal and the pessaries will make you feel bloated and full. I’ve just finished them yesterday. They definitely work. It’s so scary any twinge makes me panic after all we have been through to get here. Congratulations on your BFP.

DanniiJean profile image
DanniiJean in reply to Pozzag83

Thank you all for responding, hearing that it seems normal has put my mind at ease. I’m also getting extremely dry mouth all the time, no matter how much I drink, is this a symptom? This forum is amazing for advice and support, feel blessed to have found it during my IVF journey x

InvisibleGirl profile image
InvisibleGirl in reply to DanniiJean

Yes dry mouth and increased thirst is a symptom. Your body needs extra water to make more blood and the amniotic fluids. Remember to drink plenty 😊! xx

Pozzag83 profile image

Could be, I think everyone is so different no know seems to have the same journey. Hope you enjoy it, I’m relaxing more the closer we get to 12 weeks. And the early scan was amazing, are you having one?

DanniiJean profile image
DanniiJean in reply to Pozzag83

Yeah, I’m booked in for 15th May I think that will be 6 weeks and 5 days. I’m excited but nervous, praying to see a heartbeat. I’m glad yours went well. I was thinking if all is ok then booking a private one around 9.5 weeks just for reassurance. Xx

Freneticfeline profile image

Hello. I was put on 3 a day from after transfer. From the first day I had cramps. And still not got AF. The side effects can be quite bad. The doctor told me this was common. Very best of luck.

InvisibleGirl profile image

Hi I’m ttc with progesterone as last month I had a chemical pregnancy/very early mc at 4w5d. I’m not sure if I ovulated yet but think I did so began using the progesterone cream. If I haven’t actually ovulated yet, will the cream prevent ovulation? I’m using opk now to check if I ovulate in the next few days. It’s faintly positive today. Thanks!

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