Hi ladies, please help. I'm currently waiting for my body to fully reject my 2nd embryo. 😔 I found out I was pregnant on my 2nd try at ICSI but it had come to light that baby measured 5.1mm at 7 week scan. I was told it should be 1cm. Today I had another scan and its 2.5mm, not good. I have decided to stop all medication and let my body react naturally to it. I need some help with if I'm normal or not...I lost my 1st at 8 weeks and now this at 7 weeks. Has anyone any advice or find they have this trouble too? What did you find out? Is there anything that can help? I guess I just need some answers. Thank you in advance.x
2nd miscarriage, anyone in the same b... - Fertility Network UK
2nd miscarriage, anyone in the same boat??

I have no answers, I guess it could be a lot of different things. I just wanted to say I am sorry, this must be really difficult. Sending you a big hug!
Hi I'm so sorry to hear you are going through this. I had four miscarriages but for me it was down to my age as all other tests inconclusive. Just wanted to let you know that Tommy's is a good source of online information. If your hospital has a Recurrent Miscarriage Clinic you may be able to self refer or ask a doctor to refer you to this free service. They can offer a range of tests to help diagnose if there is any underlying problem and offer support during the early stages of your next pregnancy. xx
Caroliono4 I’ve had 3 mc down to age aswel nothing else they could see did you have a successful pregnancy after?

I'm sorry to hear that. We ended up going to Fertility clinic and had one OE round as my AMH and AFC were still good. This didn't work so we have since moved on to donor eggs. It was a difficult decision but it felt like time had run out for us with OE. xx
I can't give any advice but just wanted to send lots of love and hugs xx
Oh love, one is bad enough, more than that sounds almost unbearable to me 😢
So sorry it’s happening to you, how heartbroken you must be...
I am not an expert, but have heard of recurrent miscarriages due to clothing problems and also genetic abnormalities of the embryos, this last one more common for order mums.
It could be pure bad luck too 😕
Sending you warm thoughts and my love ❤️❤️❤️
I have no answers either sorry. In fact your story is very similar to mine. We had all the investigations done and came up with nothing. I do have Endo so doc thinks it's my egg quality. Took 4 months of DHEA for 3rd cycle and tho it was a BFN we had a much better response with 3 for the freezer only ever managed to get 1 good quality blast with the other 2 attempts. I am now going to have the uterine nk killer cells biopsy before trying with the frozen xc
I heard about this NK cells. How much did you pay for that if you don't mind me asking. I understand I may just be unlucky but I want to do what I can to prevent it happening again. Have you had other blood tests?
I’m so sorry for your losses, I have suffered three miscarriages, two having become pregnant naturally and the last one was via ICSI. The ivf clinic did tests and it came out that I have something called sticky blood syndrome where my blood clots, and there must have been clotting on the placenta etc so the babies didn’t survive. They usually only test after the 3rd miscarriage on the nhs but you could push for a test or even get one done privately I think Medichecks online does them, it’s definitely worth looking into. If that is the case, like me, they will give you blood thinners if you fall pregnant again. Aspirin and something like Clexane, heparin to thin blood out and I have read that people have had success with that. I hope you are kind to yourself, and I believe that if it’s meant to be it will find you, all the best on your journey xx
Thank you Ayooshi, I am. Ow finding so may things that can be done, I just think people use their life savings on fertility treatment and so much could go wrong. I think some of these tests really should be routine. I will ask my hospital about that. I know recurrent miscarriage is now tested after 2 on the NHS and I have tests coming up with Tommy's miscarriage clinic too so I will ask about that. Thank you xxxx
So sorry you’re going through this. I had 3 recurrent natural miscarriages all around the 7-8 week mark too and all tests came back fine so there was no reason, which is sometimes more tough than there being a reason. Anyway, I was put on Metformin (for my ever so slight pcos) and baby Aspirin before my first ivf cycle and I was so lucky as my only egg took and I now have a 12 week old little girl. Good luck x
Omg congratulations that is amazing. So really there may just be little adjustments needed to help. I think it will be tough not knowing but my other half just puts it down to unlucky. I don't know what I'd prefer tbh. Did the hospital perscribe you baby aspirin??
Thank you! We were told that unfortunately sometimes these things just happen, which at the time those words don’t help at all but I suppose can be true. My mum actually read up on the baby aspirin as she knew a lady who took it after several miscarriages and her next pregnancy was a success, so I asked my doctor who said it wouldn’t hurt to trial it. I don’t know if it was the medication or just our time, but either way, I think the next time we start trying naturally again then I will use aspirin again. X
Im so sorry! I dont really have any advice but wanted to send you some hugs. Its all so cruel!xx
It’s so devastating for you...so we sorry to hear this. I have had two miscarriages, one at 10 weeks and the second at 8 weeks...I’m currently 9 weeks pregnant and hoping this is our time 🤞sending lots love xx
I am so sorry for your loss. This must be such a difficult time for you. I hope you manage to find some answers.
Hi I'm so so sorry to hear you are going through this. I've had three recurrent miscarriages - after the second my very understanding consultant sent me for thrombophilia tests and it turns out I have sticky blood - a condition called antiphospholipid syndrome - i'd definitely recommend you get tested for this. For my last pregnancy I was on treatment for it - aspirin and clexane - but unfortunately karyotyping results recently revealed the third miscarriage was because of a chromosome issue called turner syndrome. If you havn't already, it would be worth reading "Is my body baby friendly" by Dr Alan Beer. I've also heard - "It starts with an egg" is good - but havnt read it myself yet.
I'm currently on a protocol to improve my egg quality (I'm 38) and overall general health before we try again and am monitoring hormone/vit/thyroid status too - I've done this myself via Medichecks as my GP wouldn't - this included the thyroid ultravit test - it covers full thyroid panel (hormone & antibodies), CRP HS, folate, vit d, active b12, ferritin plus monthly monitoring of FSH, LH, Oestradiol and Progesterone. I'm seeing an amazing fertility acupuncturist twice a month who trained (and still participates in training) with Naava Carmen - who is a well respected fertility, gynaecological and obstetric acupuncturist and Herbalist specialising in complex autoimmune disorders such as unexplained infertility, recurrent miscarriage, hypermobility in pregnancy, PCOS, Endometriosis and other inflammatory conditions. I have my first appointment with Naava this Friday to discuss tailoring a herbal formula according to my conditions/needs too (couldn't get in to see her for acupuncture treatment as there is a bit of a waiting list) fertilitysupport.co.uk/
I've also cleaned up my diet - gone organic wherever possible, tried to adapt to a more gluten free approach (cant seem to give up the pasta though and changed my skincare regime gradually and the household products I use to products approved by the soil association - so less nasties/minimal toxins etc.
This has all taken a few months (my last miscarriage was in Jan) and I'm still looking into getting NK cells tested too to make sure I've got the full picture so I know what needs to be treated.
I hope this is of some help to you, shout if you have any questions and sending big virtual hugs during what is a very tough time. x