Anyone else in the same boat with une... - Fertility Network UK

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Anyone else in the same boat with unexplained infertility?

Crumble7 profile image
14 Replies

I'm getting a bit frustrated with the 'unexplained fertility' diagnosis! It seems to me that the doctors aren't really taking us seriously and just saying go away try again and maybe youl get lucky as we can't see any apprant issues!! So annoying as after 3 years of trying every month weve never had a BFP so saying better luck next time isn't very helpful! Has anyone else experienced this or felt that they've not been taken seriously?

We are also struggling to decided to try IUI whilst we wait for NHS IVF but I'm so torn as the cost is high compared to the success rates. The doctors says we have a good chance due to out apparent lack of problems (!) but I'm scared of the emotional cost as well and not sure if we should save our money and just go straight to IVF. Any advice would be really appreciated. Thabkyou 😁❤️

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Crumble7 profile image
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14 Replies
Kiedy84 profile image

Hi there, I have so been there. Unexplained infertility and no 'problems', until I discovered I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. They did test my thyroid but considered the levels within a range..but the levels were too high😞 I was put on Levothyroxine.

They didn't offer any other treatment, we went straight to IVF as this is considered the most successful option for 'unexplained'. I remember thinking how come we go from simple tests straight to IVF, then somebody said to me IVF it's like 'more complex investigation for unexplained'. We did get pregnant on a first go but from all 11 eggs ( all fertilised), 7 survived till day 3 but only 1 till day 5 transfer. Nobody will ever offer me an answer as to only 1 survived..

I did ask but they just didn't really look into this because I got pregnant. So I will really never know what was the cause.

I totally understand you may want to try other options before IVF, wishing you all the best and good luck xx

LauraA12 profile image

My doctors aren’t concerned or interested either. Mines only been a year and I want to know why I don’t have periods not why I don’t conceive but all I get asked is how often do you have sex. It’s frustrating and irritating.

Sorry you’ve been going through this so long lovely. I hope you can get some answers x

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi Crumble. Such a frustrating diagnosis. Perhaps check for any cancellations to get your IVF brought forward. Gives you more time to save up in case you should be unsuccessful for IUI. This can be very expensive, as many goes are often needed. Lots to think about, but whatever you decide, I wish you huge success. Diane

Jaygee profile image

Hi ya. I’m classified as unexplained but then pcos so who knows! I find the whole unexplained infertility a bit of a cop out. I was told by my clinic IUI is basically a waste of time really. We asked about it and they said it’s a lot of money for low chance of success. We’ve just gone straight to IVF

Gem2410 profile image

Hi. We’re classed as unexplained too. We’re awaiting IVF in October/November. I get really frustrated with it all too. Always questioning as we’ve been trying for over three years, and not a single BFP. So I feel your frustration. We had three rounds of iui earlier on in the year with no success. The success rates are low, and in hindsight I wish I would have gone straight to IVF as that gives us the best chance. Good luck 😊 xx

Kikiwaits profile image

Have you had a laparoscopy to check for endometriosis? It took me seven years to get a diagnosis for my secondary infertility. And then only because the endometriosis got to the point where my left tube turned inside out and fused shut and they could see the resulting hydrosalpynx. I had surgery to remove it and low and behold - endo. No one had even mentioned the possibility to me up to that point, even though it’s the leading cause for unexplained infertility. I feel like the energy and money I spent on IUIs was wasted.

Kempton profile image

We were unexplained and after undergoing a laparoscopy that showed I did not have endo (something I knew already!) our nhs funding was approved. After successful ivf, I got pregnant naturally and I'm expecting our second any time now. I just wanted to share as it seems unexplained was true in our case. It was the first month of trying, which we still can't believe as it took almost 4 years to have our first and that was only once we had ivf.

Jo_Se profile image

Similar to kiedy84.

We were unexplained, went for IVF and on retrieval day got told his sperm doesn't look so good. so we had them injected, sorry can't remember the name.

Only 1 embryo from 10 survived. Looking at the test results ourselves.. as we were always told he was fine from 2 clinics... the numbers say he was right on the line of ok vs not ok!! Only when they tried to make it work with IVF did they say something. So frustrating. So all I will say is get second opinions if possible. And question the results in next appointments. But yes IVF sometimes makes it much clearer. Hope this helps and good luck xxx

Refocus profile image

I would suggest saving for ivf. It could help understand the issue(s) a bit more, whereas iui won't tell you anything. We get nil fertilisation with ivf, so now know there is a problem but unfortunately, we still don't know what it is exactly. Best of luck xxx

I can relate to your post. We are still categorised as unexplained - even after 2 failed rounds and an ectopic pregnancy from ICSI cycle.

Time is helping me deal with my emotions as I have been all over the place since our last failed FET. I hope you get some answers xxxx

Hopeful1986 profile image

Hey girl,

We also have the same, stupid, frustrating, diagnosis. I do think if you have been tracking ovulation that IUI is a waste of time and money (our insurance made us do three unsuccessful rounds). Our second round of IVF worked but unfortunately ended in miscarriage. I have had my thyroid checked as others mentioned, all normal. I am sorry I don't have better news, but my only piece of advice is skip IUI! Good luck to you

Hello. Just sending you a huge hug, I can’t help as I am in the same boat but three ivf cycles behind me. All I can advise is it may be the answer to everything but it also may not be and that’s been the hardest thing for anyone to deal with - masses of luck I reckon with your history you will be the lucky one xx

sarahJE profile image

I know it varies area to area, but we are in Leicester and IVF was free on NHS but only if we had three cycles of IUI first. Those didn’t work, so we moved on to IVF. Have you read any of Zita West’s books? Or tried the supplements? Apparently vitamin D deficiency is common in the UK and has a big affect on fertility. Good luck whatever you choose to do. X

Vegemite profile image

I understand

We are unexplained yet both myself and himself have gold stars on all our tests.... sometimes it’s easier to think it there’s something wrong with me , then you can fix it.

Feel your pain

Don’t give up hope x

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