Loads of pregnant people have valuable insights into this journey as they have been through it. It would be a crying shame to lose all of that knowledge and suppport by excluding people simply because they have reached the stage which we all aspire to. Before my success, I really looked forward to the Bfp notifications and updates which sometimes were from people that I’ve known on this forum for years. It gave me hope because I could see that it was possible to get there. This is a very difficult journey and we need to be sensitive and mindful of others and I agree that questions about labour are inappropriate for this forum and that it could be very upsetting to read.
Not sure if I am referring to the same labour post but the one I read was from a lady that sounded really worried and distressed and it’s easy to make a mistake which you would never make under other circumstances. I think it was a genuine mistake from her side. I am really sorry her post was upsetting. Thisforum has been the salvation for many and the IVF journey is not complete until you have a life birth. If the worst happens then you’ll tumble down right back to the beginning.. something that has happened to many of us.
I am rambling but what I want to say is that it is a shame to hear that some who have been a massive support throughout my journey are leaving the forum and won’t be hear to support me if I should need it in the future or others that come after me. I hope my post does not upset or offend anyone. Good wishes and baby dust