Today is a bad day. I lost my little Freddie at 12 weeks in January and have returned to work. I saw a counsellor on Tuesday in preparation for the next cycle later this month which was helpful but for the last two days I have felt so low. I feel like my heart is breaking all over again and I'm struggling to think of anything else. I had to leave work and just wanted to go home and bury my head under the covers. I feel so sad. It was my 40th birthday last week, a difficult milestone for me without a child. I don't know what I'm trying to gain by messaging you all on here, but I know you'll understand xx
Feel so sad: Today is a bad day. I lost... - Fertility Network UK
Feel so sad

I think going into the next transfer brings the pain back to the surface, at least it has for me. Be kind to yourself, if all you can do is hide at home and cry that’s ok. You’ve been through more than a lot of people ever do. Thinking of you x
I am so sorry for your loss! The 40 is just a number, don't focus too much on it. Much more important milestones are how you managed to get through a difficult time or times you are have done some other amazing thing. All the best for your next cycle!!!
So sorry you are feeling this low, but it’s understandable after your recent loss 😢
Just wanted to send you a very thight hug and lots of luck for you upcoming transfer.
Hope you have lots of support around and that you manage to feel a little better very soon 😘😘😘
I am sorry for your loss hope. Take your time to grieve. This is very hard... I hope you find some peace soon.
Message me if you need someone to talk
I’m so sorry for your loss, so devastating xxxxx However, although it’s heartbreaking, you are not broken. You have had counselling and you have gone back to work and you are planning on another cycle - you are stronger than you think. You are brave and full of love. You will have ups and downs and it’s ok to feel so so sad - recognise and accept these feelings - all your feelings and love will allow you to keep on going and fighting. You can do this xxx
So sorry you feel this way. I think its the combination of the loss but also the thought of starting again. I had a BFP on my second cycle and then MC at 9 1/2 weeks in Jan - I am 42 now and am terrified about trying again, terrified it won't work, terrified I won't ever have child, terrified about everything, . I thought I was doing ok and rallying but suddenly yesterday I had a really terrible day, couldn't stop crying and felt so very sad. I feel a bit better today so not sure where it came from, but I think we just have to expect to have these days sometimes, look after yourself and just try and enjoy the good days and wrap yourself up in cotton wool on your bad days. Sending you hugs xx
I'm so sorry that you're having a such a tough time today. I'm sure what you are feeling is normal. Grief come in waves and it's understandable that you'll be grieving for sometime after losing little Freddie! Is there any chance you could see the counsellor for another session? Big hugs to you!xxx
It is really hard and time is a healer. Although you will never forget him. It’s ok to cry and get support. Be kind to yourself and dont Worry about turning 40. Take care xxxx