Hi all, after our first icsi we found out we were pregnant last week. Completely overwhelmed as never thought we would see a bfp. I’m now waiting for my 7 week scan, but I’m wondering if I need any blood tests before? The clinic haven’t mentioned it, but I’m exhausted a lot of the time and wondered if it could be because of my iron levels. Any thoughts?
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Congratulations!! Exciting times for you! My clinic was the same, just wait until the 7 week scan but I had quite severe cramping so they offered a 48 hour blood test to check my HCG levels and to see if they were increasing. Think it all depends on your situation, if you have no bleeding or cramping you would need to wait to 7 weeks as they won’t see much on a scan before that.
Got everything crossed for you that it all goes smoothly, keep us updated xx
Extreme tiredness is a classic symptom in early pregnancy so there's probably nothing wrong. Hope the time till your scan doesn't drag too much, it's worse than the original 2ww in a lot of ways xxx
Congratulations! Early pregnancy is exhausting in itself x
Congrats on your BFP and rest as much as you can physically and mentally!! I’m phoning my clinic about my BFP tomorrow but was just wondering, how long is the 7 week scan in reality? No idea how they work out how pregnant you are! I’m 12dp5dt today. Would my scan be in about 3 weeks would you think? I think I read someone say it’s a 3 week wait - so am I technically about 4 weeks pregnant rather than 12 days if you know? Confusing! X
Congratulations! I have also found out last week that it worked 😊 my scan is on 5th April. I’m also feeling quite tired, trying to rest and have early nights. Best wishes xx
Massive congratulations. My clinic was HPT only (which they gave me), then it was a case of just waiting for 7 week scan - my nerves were shot! 🙈
I was exhausted - I’ve been told that the most common pregnancy symptom & the key is to listen to your body & rest. I would literally be falling asleep at work, then get myself home to walk the dog, before crashing out on the sofa by 5.30pm.
This may be just preg symptoms but if you’re worried then GP is probably best person to go to 👍
Good luck hun xxx
Thank you. I’m exactly the same. Glad to know it’s common. My iron levels are up and down any way so I think I’ll just up my dietary intake for now and mention it when I go to the clinic in just over a week . Xx
Sounds a good plan - lots of iron rich foods in you diet if you’re worried maybe? I was craving cheese and green veg during those tiring weeks - so effectively wanting calcium & iron. Can’t go wrong with broccoli and a slab of cheddar? 😂