I have been keeping this news to myself for a week now. I still can’t quite believe it. After we were warned by our clinic to expect a fail, we had emotionally prepared ourselves for a bfn. When I first tested it, I hadn’t read the instructions properly. I basically dipped and turned over, saw no line and jumped into bed crying. Luckily, OH read the instructions, timed it for 3 minutes and then actually saw that miracle second line before me!! Scan is 15/10/20 which seems so impossibly far away. So far, I am largely asymptomatic, which worries me. Shouldn’t I be feeling more? I’ve now restricted myself to one test a week for reassurance. It sucks that we don’t routinely do beta testing here in the UK.
Who knew that after a bfp, you still can’t truly relax.
But I am cautiously happy and hopeful for a smooth journey. I don’t know what tomorrow brings, but just for today I can celebrate being pregnant for the first time.
To those still waiting for their bfp, I’m sorry if this post upsets you. I can feel the yearning and heart ache that comes with seeing someone else with a bfp. I know, because I felt it too often. Please know that I am thinking of you and hoping hard I see your bfp too x