So I am due to start Fet next month and was waiting for AF to arrive to start the process when something happened! AF was late so tested yesterday and got a second line! I feel so guilty as I should be over the moon I know loads of you would do anything to get a positive but I’m so scared, after suffering afew early miscarriages that is all I can think of! But at the same time I’m trying to be positive, we never gave up, we kept trying and something amazing happened! Any tips for getting through the next few weeks x Wishing you all lots of baby dust x x
****warning sensitive post**** - Fertility Network UK
****warning sensitive post****

Aww hunni that is amazing news, congratulations. Nothing to feel guilty about, positive stories help others have hope 😍
It is scary being pregnant after 1 loss let alone a few, i am so sorry for your previous losses. I had one chemical pregnancy & have found it anxious being pregnant again ( I’m 9 weeks)
The best advice I can give is to take it one day at a time. “Today I am pregnant tomorrow I might not be but today I am pregnant so I will enjoy it”
All the best with your pregnancy xoxo 😘
Brilliant news. No advice to give unfortunately but wishing you all the best xx
Congratulations on your good news. I'm afraid, the anxiety just stays no matter how hard you try. Advice is try to think positively and if you pray, then pray and commit all to God.
Great news Gem1982
I’m sure everything will be fine just take it one day at a time.
Keeping everything crossed for you 💕xx
Congratulations 💐. Such wonderful news and a nice surprise for you.
Don't feel guilty at all, this is your moment and you deserve it.
I'm so sorry for your losses I can't imagine what that's like.
Take things bit by bit and you'll get through it, you've come so far already. Xxx
I gave up but stories like these kinda make me wish I could be bothered to try without ivf. Problem is, we can’t ttc the “traditional” way so it’s never exciting to try. Congratulations. I hope this is your time xx
Oh wowowowowow. That's brilliant. Congratulations!! I am so happy for you and you should not for one moment feel guilty. I am sure none of us would wish ivf onto our worst enemies.
Not sure about how to get through the next few weeks.... Good luck xxx

Thank you! And congratulations to you on your lovely news today! I’m sure your feeling just like I do! Hope all goes well with your pregnancy! X
Aww... amazing news! Many congrats 💕 xx
That's wonderful news, congratulations xxx
Awesome news..congrats
Congratulations Gem! ❤️
This is the dream of all of us!
You’re just the proof that, sometimes, it can happen! Thanks for sharing 😊
I wish you all the best, and a healthy pregnancy! ❤️❤️❤️
Congratulations!! Just think positive! Easier said than done but you will only thrive on positivity and drown in negativity. This is a wonderful miracle, so revel in the beauty of it - fingers crossed for you xxx
Wow! How amazing! Congratulations! I got pregnant after a second round of IVF and had had early miscarriages, so was very cautious like you. We just took it one day at a time. Getting past the days I would usually miscarry was a major milestone. We also had some early scans which helped. Then getting to 12 week scan. Tbh, I didn’t really relax and enjoy the pregnancy until I could feel him moving lots. However, Something inside me felt different with this one, I think I kind of knew it would be ok but was scared to believe it.
I hope you have a lovely pregnancy and wish you all the best! Congratulations xxx
Congratulations! Don’t feel guilty. I know it’s easier said than done with losses but try and enjoy each day for what it is rather than worrying about what then next day may bring x
Oh wow, that's amazing news. Huge congratulations.
I completely understand how anxious you must feel. It took me nearly 5 years to get pregnant with ivf, and then it all went wrong around week 7. Day by day. Try to stay positive. If this little one has done it all by themselves they obviously want to stay
Best wishes Gem x
This is lovely news!!! Congrats xx
Awww dont feel guilty!! Its always lovely to hear of a little miracle, congratulations!xx
I agree with Jess. I’ve suffered a few false starts. As backwards as it may sound enjoy it because you never know it may go amazingly. I recently had a miscarriage but I am grateful that I managed to get pregnant and the possibility is that it will happen again.
Big hugs though because I know what it’s like to worry xx
Hi Gem
Really sorry to read of your previous losses. Cant imagine what you must have gone through...but you never gave up hope and because of this you are where you are today. God willing you will have a happy and healthy pregnancy.
A positive is a positive. This is your time, enjoy each day as it comes you can do this, i know you can. Your little one will no doubt be a fighter and if he or she could speak to you now (i know it sounds crazy), it would be 'mum im going to be ok im part of you arent I, because of your strength i am strong now im telling you to believe in me and be strong, i will always be with you'
Sending you lots of love and positive vibes xxxx
Congratulations amazing news, hoping all goes smoothly for you xx
Brilliant!! Congratulations.xx
This is great news, congratulations to you both. I know exactly how you feel and it’s totally normal but do try and relax. Big hugs xx
Congratulations, this is lovely news! I don’t think the anxiety ever goes, I’m currently 13+4 and still anxious as when I got my BFP however I am really trying to tell myself to think positive now. Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy xx
Wonderful news. Can’t offer you any advice but good luck for a healthy pregnancy xx