After giving birth to our Beautiful Gabriella my husband . And I have decided to try naturally since ivf . Advice we’re giving it a go without ivf . A consultant suggested its worth giving it a go advice please . I’ve signed up to slimming world and supercharged post partnum exercise classss thoughts and advice anyone . And I’m also eating healthily as well . Thanks Lou hanlon
Trying Naturally after IVF TREATMENT - Fertility Network UK
Trying Naturally after IVF TREATMENT

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Congrats on your baby - she's lovely.
I just found out I'm pregnant naturally after having my son via ivf in 2018. We just tried more frequently around my ovulation date (before and after) and within 3 months of trying I got a positive!
All the best.
Thank you . Amazing xxx I had first bleed 26th December for nine days only been trying for a month. Haven’t had a period since then
Congratulations on your gorgeous wee one. I have no experience of natural success, just wanted to wish you all the best xx
Go for it, we had IVF which failed but I fell pregnant naturally the next month. Sadly we had a miscarriage but again fell pregnant 2 months later and I have just given birth to my sweet angel so miracles do happen xx
Thank you we thought we would see what happens
Hi,I don't know ur history but few things to consider.if u had icsi for last baby just check sperm motility and etc. If ur last baby just ivf of course try naturaly. Should b all right
we tried for 4 years and 2 cycles of ivf to have out little boy in 2017... I'm now 7 weeks pregnant naturally after trying for 4 months! All i did in addition was take aspirin. You might struggle if your periods aren't back to normal yet though, are you breastfeeding? This will make it harder if so. Xx
I am currently breastfeeding yes. Should I take aspirin then x
have a read up on baby aspirin... It might not be suitable for you (especially whilst breastfeeding) but it seemed to work for us! The idea being it increases blood flow to the uterus and improves the lining for implantation issues. Very few side effects. Worth mentioning to your gp first though... Xx
Will do .
This will be me in a few months. We have been blessed with our gorgeous daughter and would love to have another. We have no Frosties and can’t really afford to go private so we are hoping to catch naturally. Just to say goodluck and if you find anything helpful I would love to hear about it!!! Xxx