Definitely think am miscarrying now blood is a lot heavier and darker and with clots, I don’t know if I can go through this all again.. I was just wondering if anyone had fell pregnant naturally after having a ivf miscarriage... this is the worst feeling in the world 😢
Anyone fell pregnant naturally after ... - Fertility Network UK
Anyone fell pregnant naturally after ivf miscarriage?

Oh my love. Its so scary i know!! Bless you i really do feel for you. Are you getting any cramps while your bleeding hun?. I know you've got a scan in a couple of weeks. Im really hoping that your just one of those women that have full on bleeds and all bes OK!! In answer to your question. There's a good few women that fall pregnant as a surprise naturally thinking they'll always need ivf to get pregnant!! Sending you hugs my love 💗😘
Not really got cramps but the early pregnancy unit think it’s happening going for a scan tomorrow to confirm... I’m really scared that I am the issue and it’s going to keep happening
Oh my love!! Take things one step at a time. Don't panic! Just because and if it is a miscarriage doesn't mean your going to have another!! We don't get more in life than what we can handle. My first ever loss broke me completely, i went on to have 5 more!! They made me stronger and now i know it just wasn't meant to be!! But don't jump too far ahead my love. Tomorrow you will know and take it from there. You will get through this i promise!! I really hope tomorrow surprises you and you have a little miracle🤞🏻💗😘
These are difficult times. You’ll have a lot thoughts in your head in such times. It’s understandable.
I’ve been through the same situation a couple of months back. It’s hard.
Would suggest you not to think too far ahead at this point in time. If it’s a confirmed miscarriage, just ensure that you take the right care and think about recovering well. Eat well, get good rest, go out for walks.
I’ve also heard of people falling pregnant naturally between IVF cycles.
Here’s wishing you the very best! Take care.
Oh hun I really hope that's not the case and your just one of those women having a big does happen sometimes and everything is fine. But yes I miraculously fell pregnant naturally a almost exactly 1 year after my IVF miscarriage at 11 weeks 😩 I had given up IVF...given up becoming a mum..and here I am 37 weeks the age of 40! Still pinching myself and still seems surreal...after 8 years of trying, 2 full IVF cycles, 3 embryo transfers and a miscarriage, believe me it can happen. I'm really sorry your going through this, I will keep you in my thoughts. Please look after yourself. Sending light and and love xx

Hi Laurens. The answer is yes it can happen. So sorry to hear about the bleeding and I hope you've got plenty of support just now. It might not be over, just got to wait for tomorrow for confirmation one way or the other. These bleeds can happen, so just rest when you can and I shall be thinking of you tomorrow. Diane