Hi ladies,
Hope you are all doing well and a Happy new year to you all!
So as some of you know I had a failed ivf cycle at the begining of December. I have my follow up appointment on the 16th and I don't really know what to expect at this appointment. I was entitled to 4 IUI goes and one ivf, and I have now used up 2 IUI and my ivf go. Does anyone know if I can then go back to use my last two IUI goes? I feel confused and feel like if I self fund ivf it won't work again. I only got 3 eggs and only 1 made it to transfer day. My husband feels like we shouldn't go through ivf again as he dosent want me hurting my body with the side effects I got through the medication and also the health scare I had. He said he would rather try naturally until were 40!!! I'm turning 30 this year. Would be great to get some advice.
Thanks in advance and best wishes for your journey xxxx