Ivf after conceiving naturally? - Fertility Network UK

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Ivf after conceiving naturally?

Emmyeve profile image
19 Replies

Excuse my ignorance as I’m new to all this. Just a quick question. If one were to conceive naturally, have a scan through NHS so it’s on record that you were pregnant & then let’s say it ended in a miscarriage, are you then not entitled to IVF as you were able to conceive naturally? This hasn’t happened to me, I’m just wondering as trying naturally whilst waiting for IVF appt. Thank you in advance x

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Emmyeve profile image
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19 Replies
Rach82 profile image

I think eligibility guidelines vary on where you live. If you are unable to conceive after 2 years with unexplained infertility, you can be listed for ivf. NHS only fund ivf for couples/singles with no living children, so mc would not count. Check out hfea.gov.uk website for the guidelines. Hope this helps x

Emmyeve profile image
Emmyeve in reply to Rach82

Thank u sweetie xx

In my area the funding would be suspended for 2 years following a miscarriage from nature conception ; as we were not entitled to nhs funding for IVF my fertility doctor recorded our natural conception ( this was after endometriosis was found and treated not an easy conception) it did sadly end in an early miscarriage but we have hope it can happen ( which we never thought it could) If we’d been eligible for nhs funding my fertility doctor said he wouldn’t have recorded it till the viability scan.

If it was me I’d try you never know with the pressure off a bit it might happen & you might go on to have a healthy pregnancy. Maybe don’t have it recorded till the scan 👍🏻

Good luck xoxo

Emmyeve profile image
Emmyeve in reply to

Thank you. I think perhaps I’d have a private scan then that way it’s not recorded anywhere xx

I managed to convince naturally twice while waiting to start IVF on the NHS. Both of these pregnancies ended in miscarriages before 7 weeks & I was no longer entitled to start IVF on the NHS at that time but could have a cycle if I hadn't concieved naturally again within 2 years ( may have been 18 months due to my age ) . My NHS hospital only found out both times as I needed to have a D & C there both times. If I could have afforded to have them carried out privately I would have done so in the hope they would never have known. X

Emmyeve profile image

Oh I’m sorry to hear that. Thank you so much for the info, that’s really helpful. X

Wishfully profile image

This is an interesting question & I just had to check myself! If you look up “eligibility criteria for NHS funded IVF” within your local district council, then you’ll be able to double check this yourself. In my area I would still be eligible in the event of a MC x

Emmyeve profile image
Emmyeve in reply to Wishfully

There’s only ever contact info for local clinics, never actual info on the criteria. I’ll have to ring each one and find out sadly. X

Wishfully profile image
Wishfully in reply to Emmyeve

I’ve PM’d you x

City74 profile image

We conceived naturally and had miscarriages but were still entitled to IVF because we had no living children. Best of luck with your journey x

Slewi profile image

I had a miscarriage after conceiving naturally, been trying for over two years, we were just about to go for our first icsi round. My hosp just said ‘you still don’t have a baby’ So are entitled to carry on. 1st icsi round failed so having a break before next round...wouldn’t it be nice if it happened naturally again!!

littlebeastshaya profile image

Hi There. Hope you are doing fine. I read your post. I think you can do it but it is risky. It may interfere with IVF cycle. I think a gynecologist or an experienced doctor would be able to help you in this situation. These issues are very sensitive in nature. I hope my advice makes sense to you.

Emmyeve profile image
Emmyeve in reply to littlebeastshaya

I didn’t understand your response but thanks for the reply

It may depend on the ccg but certainly in my area you aren’t eligible for funding if you’ve been pregnant in the last year. But getting pregnant naturally doesn’t make you any more likely to miscarry, in fact statistically slightly less likely to miscarry and natural conception is much easier than ivf so whilst we were unexplained, I definitely didn’t want to stop trying naturally. I did stop trying naturally once we knew my husband carries a chromosome disorder though.

littlebeastshaya profile image

Hi There. Hope you are doing fine. I read your post. I think you can do it but it is risky. It may interfere with IVF cycle. I think a gynecologist or an experienced doctor would be able to help you in this situation. These issues are very sensitive in nature. I hope my advice makes sense to you.

Tugsgirl profile image

I don’t know if it counts but I had a natural pregnancy at 28 and I got my ivf funding at 36 in 2016 xx

littlebeastshaya profile image

Hi There. Hope you are doing fine. I read your post. I think you can do it but it is risky. It may interfere with IVF cycle. I think a gynecologist or an experienced doctor would be able to help you in this situation. These issues are very sensitive in nature. I hope my advice makes sense to you.

Kari55 profile image

I believe each NHS clinic will have their own guidelines, they are usually similar but can have slight differences. Ours said that “neither partner must have any living children from this or previous relationships (this includes adopted children)”.

Char91 profile image

Hi, I fell pregnant twice previously, one ended in a missed misscarriage at my 12 weeks scan , the second I was about to have ivf but fell pregnant which was ectopic. I was still approved ivf on NHS funding. I think it’s only if you actually had a child then you wouldn’t be eligible. Good luck xx

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