How long after a hysteroscopy (and treatment of fibroids) did you have to wait before next IVF round?
Been back at EPU today with heavy bleeding 2 weeks after surgery for my MMC.. they now think my MC is over (despite positive pregnancy tests still) and instead they think my fibroids may have been compromised during surgery so may now need a hysteroscopy and some sort of treatment for my fibroids to stop them bleeding or even maybe remove them. I have several huge ones but they are on outside of womb but the scan this morning suggested one had grown into the womb during my 9 weeks of pregnancy!
I know I have to wait three months before I can start round 3 of ivf due to MC but we would like to ttc just in case in the meantime. Trying to get my head round how long we will need to wait after the op - just need to get back into positive ttc mode
Also interested if anyone has had a similar issue and what the outcome was.. ie damage during Surgical Management
Thanks all xx