As of yesterday we have finally gone on the waiting list for ICSI IVF. Our consultant told us the current waiting list is 10 months (I'm in Northern Ireland). Has anyone any info on if waiting times are realistic or did it in fact take longer/shorter?
IVF Waiting List: As of yesterday we... - Fertility Network UK
IVF Waiting List

I’m over in Scotland and was told I would need to wait at least 12 months for icsi on waiting list.
I am now on my first week of hormones prepping for egg collection only 4 months after being on list, hopefully treatment will be finished by feb all going well and will see if it’s work so not always as long as they say! Xx

Thank you for your reply! I really hope it works out for you xx
Hi hunny I’m in Wales and when they put you on the list there’s a mandatory 12 month waiting list (just in case you manage it naturally) not what you want to hear when you’ve already been trying for years!! My 12 months was up in May but we didn’t start treatment until the August, but actually the time went really quickly which really surprised me. I started up a new hobby, lost some weight and had a couple of nice holidays so it just went far quicker than we thought it would x x x
I live in wales and have to have to have treatment in england so the waiting time is 12 months as i don't live in england but it is normally about 7 months unless they find a cause for your infertility then you don't wait as long
Hi. Im in NI also. I went on the list last week and was also told 10 to 12 months. Sorry cannot help with how accurate time lines are. I dont know what age you are but presuming you have more time on your side than me from your photo. I am turning 38 on 9th feb. I have an appointment at GCRM tomorrow morn to enquire about going private. Depends on timelines for me. Hard to explain so wont bore you but looking forward to hearing where we stand tomorrow. We both have fertility issues (low AMH and poor sperm). Anyway we should be reaching the NHS IVF journey around the same time. Have you tried acupuncure with someone who has experience of treating infertility. It's really good and has made my periods heavier if nothing else which is prob a good sign. My cousing like you had unexplained fertility and after some acupuncture had a chemical pregnancy a few weeks back (not ideal but shows something is trying even if not the end result). Anyway good luck with your journey...i've hit follow to keep up with it.
I'm 26 and fortunate to have time on my side. My husband is 35 though. I've been having fertility acupuncture for a year now which I've found relaxing, but still not conceiving unfortunately.
You never know... We could be cycle buddies!!! I wish you all the very best. 💕💕 Xx
Hi, I too am in NI and have gone on the waiting list since 19th Dec. Fast tracked because I turned 39 in Nov. We've unexplained infertility though Cons put me on thyroxine as borderline hypothyroid. Good to know others are on a similar timescale. like you I was wondering if anyone could say how long they actually had to wait. I was told they work to 9, usually 10 but could be up to 12. Again the standard response!
Thought I'd share an update in case it is of benefit to others starting their IVF journey. We decided to go for a self funded round on 1st July. Then Mid August got a letter to say we have been offed an NHS funded round at the RCF Belfast. So the timescale is now 9mths. It may change as the criteria for funding changed on the 1st June. Notably a lower BMI level.
We just got our letter yesterday too. Hope you're keeping well x
Oh that's fab. Yes I'm doing good thanks. Everything is going as well as hoped. Taking it one step at a time now. And what will be, will be. Good to know we also have the NHS round if needed. How about you? Have you booked in? x
Yes that is great. As I'm a few weeks ahead, do shout if you have any concerns though you'll be grand. I was like that...just glad not to have to wonder when it would all begin. Now its flying in! All the best x