Anyone else on the IVF waiting list? Or having IVF this year or recently? Experiences and stories please. How do I help my husband through the experience and myself? How do I cope with the long waits inbetween?
TTC. IVF waiting list. PCOS - Fertility Network UK
TTC. IVF waiting list. PCOS
You’ll find loads of helpful posts on here. Good luck and welcome to the forum xx
Welcome to the forum, you’ll definitely find lots of stories of people’s experiences of IVF on here. Unfortunately nothing makes the waiting easier but I’d say having things to look forward to whilst waiting helps, even if it’s just little things like trips to the seaside (depending on where you live) or dinners out, cinema trips anything that gives you time to be ‘you 2 together’, good luck xx
Hi M20162018. Just wanted to wish you well with all of this. As "Lizzielizzielizzie" says, you will have plenty of ladies to support you here. If you are offered some counselling, then both of you take it up, so you can talk over your anxieties etc. Huge luck with it all, and I DO hope all runs smoothly for you both. Thinking of you. Diane
Thank you. We have been offered counselling but were thinking of taking it up once we start IVF. I want to use the sessions when they will benefit us the most (just incase they are a limited amount of sessions you can have).
Hi. Yes, that's a good idea. It might be an idea to seek some support from other sources too. You can access information about Support Groups in your area by going to our website and click on “How can we help you” – “For those trying to become parents” – support – fertility groups – “England” – then select the area you are looking for. Hope that helps. Diane
I had a really good experience with IVF. It took me two cycles to finally get a BFP. The toughest thing has to be the TWW. I was quite scared about the injections, but that bit was actually easy! TWW was quite difficult due to the stress! Either way, good luck, I hope it happens for you guys! Baby dust and love for you.
Hey, there! Welcome to the journey, haha. I hope it's short and successful for you. Feel free to ask anything you want. My only advice to you would be to make sure you do your own research as well, in choosing the clinic as well as the procedure. That will be really helpful! Good luck with it.