8dp5dt with cramping since yesterday ... - Fertility Network UK

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8dp5dt with cramping since yesterday and pink spotting today, argh?!

Scarlett13 profile image
19 Replies

I know it’s hard to know whether this is a really bad or really good sign but it’s hard to feel positive as I’ve already had 4 embryo transfer last and all ended in BFN. I’ve got 2 on board this time. Feeling so anxious. I’m also stuck on a coach in Dover with huge delays in Calais stopping our day trip to the Bruges Xmas markets so it’s not a great day! Feel trapped by my body and trapped in a coach with a fun day in Bruges and a BFP both seeming just out of reach....,my OTD isn’t til Friday, 13 days past a 5dt, but I think I’m going to test with a FRER tomorrow. 9dp5dt. Any words of wisdom or advice for me?! Reach out and help me fertility queens!!! Xxx

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Scarlett13 profile image
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19 Replies

One word - implantation - bang on time!! You can do this!! Your whole cycle has sounded so positive.... try and keep your PMA xx

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to

Thank you Daisy, I thought it seemed too late for implantation cramps and bleeding? But I hope you’re right. If this ends positively I’ll be shocked but hope you’re right - it’s all gone so well and I’ve allowed my hopes to get up but now I’m so worried. The waiting is just so stressful xxx

HollieW profile image

Keep going and keep strong. I wouldn't test early but completely up to you if you think it will help. My otd is tomorrow and I'm not in a good place. This tww is the absolute pits! Wishing you lots of luck 🤞 xx

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to HollieW

What’s up Hollie? Why aren’t you in a good place? This 2ww is the pits. Hope you are pleasantly surprised tomorrow lovely xxxxx

HollieW profile image
HollieW in reply to Scarlett13

I hope I'm pleasantly surprised too but I've not got a feeling it's not worked again and I'm already not coping with the possibility of another failed round. IVF sucks! Xx

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to HollieW

Ditto xxxxx

in reply to HollieW

Fingers crossed for you for tomorrow,not long to go now xx

HollieW profile image
HollieW in reply to

Thank you! Xx

Saya85 profile image

Hi Scarlett

We've talked already about my tiosnetc and hopefully you can get some reassurance from your clinic too.

But I just wanted to say pls try not to stress. I know it's easier said than done but there isn't anything else that we can materially do at this stage (except the pessries)

Pink spotting as you can see is very common and as long as it's not red you may be absolutely fine ! Even after a BFP so many women get spotting.

I think you're further along than you were in your first cycle when you started bleeding ?

As hard as it is try to take one day at a time and enjoy as much as possible out of today ! A little holiday is probably just what you and your embies need so enjoy xxxx

Hi Scarlett, I know how scary it can be when you get spotting but it's so hard to know whether it's a good or bad sign but as Saya85 said it's not red blood it could be a good sign. I had spotting during my 2ww last transfer and it was a BFP and this time I haven't had any spotting to thinking maybe it hasn't worked, it can drive you mad looking out for the signs. I also test Friday and I'm too scared to test early just incase it is too early and a false negatives think it could cause more stress, but it's totally up to you, you can do this!!

Maybe whilst you are stuck you could try some mindfulness,if tgsts your thing,it's definitely helped me this time round xx

MissSaoPaulo profile image

I had mild cramps almost all the way through the 2ww and after too. It's definitely not necessarily a bad thing, nor is spotting, as long as it's just spotting, although it can be upsetting to see.

Hope you can get to Bruges soon and enjoy the Christmas market xxx

Kari55 profile image

Hi Scarlett, I know that having various symptoms freaks us out but really only otd test gives us an answer so try to keep strong and calm. I know it’s not easy! I always waited to test until otd but of course it’s up to you. Best wishes xx

Tugsgirl profile image

Af cramping has been a good sign for me. Even on my cycle where I bled before otd I didn’t get the af cramping to go with it. Spotting is ok too. It’s really common so fingers crossed for you xx

Squeak2 profile image

When I had my bfp I had lots of wee niggles... just your wee embies getting snuggled in 💕💕 xx

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to Squeak2

Let’s hope you’re right as it’s not feeling good 😭

Squeak2 profile image
Squeak2 in reply to Scarlett13

Think positive lovely! It’s gonna work this time with you resting and just generally being in a good place 💕💕 relax, listen to music! Do all the nice things you love and hopefully all will be well! I’m sure I’m not the only one to say fingers and paws 🐾 are all crossed!! 💕 xx

Leesalou profile image

Big hugs 🤗

Spotting could be implantation hun I know it hard but try stay positive

Cramping also can be implantation,

Crap that you hit stuck on the coach too but I hope you had a lovely day or afternoon once there xxx

Cinderella5 profile image

I hope you had a nice day when you eventually got to the markets it it took your mind off things for a little while. Really hoping this is implantation cramps. Hang on in there lovely, fingers crossed!xx

AS100 profile image

🙏💖 🤞 xxx

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