Update today:
As predicted the second night I cocked it up;
Lubion was painful everywhere injabbed hit a blood vessel.
Same with Clexane the needle itself was hurting (although I jut realised now I didn’t check which way the needle was slanted)
Hit a blood vessel then tried again and as I pushed towards the end it just popped out and spilled onto my skin. Had to jab again just to get final bit of dose in! So that was a screw up. No obvious bruising still but this isn’t gona be a fun ride 😢
So after no real advice from the clinic I’ve just had to work out what to do with the injection.
Panicked that I couldnt even take the cap off!
Read some advice on here too- and tried putting in abdomen but I felt resistance and pain as soon as I pushed it in- knew I’d hit muscle/blood vessel.
Then tried inner thigh- killed just putting it in !
Retried abdomen And found that the lower rolls of fat were much easier to pinch (just above underwear line. Much easier putting in and I did it slowly- could feel it stinging slightly but managed to slowly inject and then pull out. Pressed on it after/ Tiny bit of redness but no bruising! And no pain after
Thank God! Was so worried that if it went wrong I’d have no support and I didn’t want to be in pain all weekend. Hopefully tomorrow will go just as well.
The pic shows a scar at the bottom from my laparoscopy - the slight pink areas above are from the Clexane and lubion
The things we have to do! 🙃