First Gonal-F injection later - Fertility Network UK

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First Gonal-F injection later

Star15 profile image
48 Replies

Title says it all really! Can’t believe after what’s felt like forever it’s time to get started with the injections and the week after next hopefully it’ll be all go with egg collection and then transfer the week after.

Anyone else at a similar stage in the IVF process?

Love and luck to everyone x

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Star15 profile image
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48 Replies

Wishing you the best & hope your BFP is around the corner 😘 xoxo

Star15 profile image
Star15 in reply to

Thanks so much 😃 How are you getting on? X

silverlini profile image

Exciting times ahead! Good luck!!xx

Sweets1 profile image

Good luck xxx

Clark2018 profile image

Hi Star,

I'm exactly where you are! 2nd injection this morning and scan's all next week, egg collection the week after. The injections not as bad as I thought ..... so far. I'm still taking folic acid too. How do you feel on the medication? Any side effects? I got quite down for a while and snappy at home. Maybe more so to do with my in-between bleed?x

Star15 profile image
Star15 in reply to Clark2018

Hi, thanks for your reply. Nice to hear from someone who’s going through the same thing at the same time! Sounds like you’re on short protocol too? I have polycystic ovaries and we are trying IVF after 5 failed Clomid rounds. My emotions are a bit all over the place but I’m not sure how much of that to put down to medication I’ve been on and how much is just related to how I feel about the situation generally. It’s a tough time. Glad to have been given the go-ahead yo start IVF earlier this week and now just trying to keep as relaxed and positive as possible whilst also juggling lots of appointments plus work plus life in general! Hope you have a good weekend and do keep in touch about how you’re getting on if you’d like to! X

Clark2018 profile image
Clark2018 in reply to Star15

Hi Star!

How are you getting on ? I’m having scans every two days. Folicles are around 10-14mm and I’m on 137.50ml of Gonal F + the Cetrotide. Feeling absolutely huge atm and nauteous a lot of the time. Another scan planned for Monday and hopefully EG on Wednesday/ Thursday X

Star15 profile image
Star15 in reply to Clark2018

Hello! Sounds like those follicles of yours are coming on well 😃 Sorry to hear about the side effects though... I’m lucky in that I seem to have avoided any side effects I think. I had a scan today and have lots of follicles but bit on the small side so they’ve upped my Gonal-F to 150ml and I’ll start Cetrotide on Sunday morning. I have another scan on Monday too! Egg collection pencilled in for Thursday but it might end up being Friday depending on how my body reacts to the meds. How are you feeling about things, apart from the nausea?! X

genten profile image

I'm not at the same stage as you but I wanted to wish you lots of luck. Xx

CLN1986 profile image

I’m slightly behind you, on the long protocol so currently injecting buserelin and then have a baseline scan next week to hopefully start the Gonal-F medication. Would be interested to hear how you go on this medication. Good luck with it all, your dream is one step closer ☺️

Star15 profile image
Star15 in reply to CLN1986

Hello! Thanks for your message. Hope the injections are going ok and bloating not too bad for you. Good luck for your baseline scan, I was really worried before mine as hadn’t had a proper bleed but lining looked ok and ovaries were behaving so we got the go-ahead. Have only had one Gonal-F so far and it’s very similar to Ovitrelle that I took each month as trigger shot when I was on Clomid, think I’ll be having Cetrotide from mid next week and that’s a bit more involved in terms of having to mix powder and liquid so will see how we get on with that! Best of luck to you and keep in touch if you’d like to 😃 x

Carolina84 profile image

I’m on day 4 stimms with gonal f and luveris + 2nd day with nasal spray. I only have one ovary (lost one during laparoscopy to remove huge endometrioma) and my Amh is only 4.5 but I hope my other ovary will produce some eggs ;) We are so close now!! Good luck!! X

Star15 profile image
Star15 in reply to Carolina84

Thanks for your reply! How have you found the Gonal-F? Any side effects? Gosh sounds like you’ve been through a lot with the endo and lap... Hope that ovary pulls it out of the bag and you get lots of eggs! Yes it is crazy that after all the waiting in a matter of weeks the whole process will be done... Here’s hoping this is our time! X

Carolina84 profile image
Carolina84 in reply to Star15

Star15, to be honest I don’t really have any side effects. After my lap in July last year I was on decapeptyl for nearly one year and apart from small hot flushes and mood swings I felt great! On my scan before starting injections nurse could see at least 4 follicles so I’m hoping that there will be something to retrieve ;) How are you feeling? Xx

Star15 profile image
Star15 in reply to Carolina84

Glad to hear you haven’t had any side effects. I’ve had a headache on and off the last few days but not sure how much to put down to the meds and how much is just related to the fact that there’s loads going on at the moment! Brilliant that there were some follicles on your scan! Have you had any more scans since? How are things going? I’m back at the clinic tomorrow to see how the Gonal-F is working and I think they’ll give me Cetrotide injections if the biggest follicle is larger than a certain size. Hope you’re doing ok! X

Carolina84 profile image
Carolina84 in reply to Star15

I’m going for first scan on Friday (10th day of my injections). Fingers crossed for your scan xx

Star15 profile image
Star15 in reply to Carolina84

Hope scan goes well today! X

Carolina84 profile image
Carolina84 in reply to Star15

I hope your scan went well today x

Star15 profile image
Star15 in reply to Carolina84

Thanks so much, so kind of you to think of me. There are lots of follicles but all on the small side so they’ve upped my dose of Gonal-F a bit and will hold off on me starting the Cetrotide for a while. Another scan on Friday so hopefully the extra meds will have made some difference, but not too much, as I’m at risk of OHSS which I’d really rather avoid! How are you getting on? X

Carolina84 profile image
Carolina84 in reply to Star15

I’m heartbroken. Only have two follicles. 15 & 13. Next scan on Monday. I hope your scan brought some better news for you xx

Star15 profile image
Star15 in reply to Carolina84

Hi. Really sorry to hear you’re disappointed 😞 I don’t really understand all this fully... but are 15 and 13 good sizes for the stage you’re at? Also presumably you only need one good embryo to be able to transfer so one of your two could produce the egg that goes on to become that? X

Carolina84 profile image
Carolina84 in reply to Star15

That’s what we are hoping for... two good eggs. 15&13 isn’t bad. I was just naive thinking that there will be more :( How are you doing? X

Star15 profile image
Star15 in reply to Carolina84

Not naive I’m sure, this whole process is so tough and we need to try and keep positive so I completely understand why you hoped for more. My follicles aren’t growing as fast as they could be so they’ve upped my Gonal-F dose. Might push egg collection and transfer back a bit but hopefully not by too much. Do you have dates for yours? Hope you have a nice weekend planned? X

Carolina84 profile image
Carolina84 in reply to Star15

We have next appointment on Monday. Hopefully my two follicles will be big enough for retrieval. They can’t change my dose as I was on high anyway (375 gonal and 75 luveris). I was worrying that they might cancel retrieval with only two follicles but they said they will definitely do it. Weekend at work so will go fast to next appointment :) You have a nice one x

Star15 profile image
Star15 in reply to Carolina84

Have I read it right that it’s egg collection for you on Monday? Or do you have more scans before that? Hope Monday goes well whatever it’s for 😃 x

Carolina84 profile image
Carolina84 in reply to Star15

Thank You!! Another scan on Monday and if they are big enough probably will get date for an egg collection! hopefully x

Littleflower82 profile image

Best of luck for ur cycle, I am currently on injections, ec planned for Tuesday but will know for def at final scan tomorrow. Hope it all goes to plan for u x

Star15 profile image
Star15 in reply to Littleflower82

Thanks! Did you have EC today?! X

Littleflower82 profile image
Littleflower82 in reply to Star15

Hi ya yes I had, got 10 eggs but got call there now to say only 8 were mature and out of the 8 only 5 fertilised. I suppose it's better than nothing but hoped for more that 50%

Star15 profile image
Star15 in reply to Littleflower82

Try not to worry, it only takes one... When is your transfer due to be? X

Star15 profile image

Thanks so much 😃 Hope the injections are going ok and you get lots of eggs on Tuesday! X

Binky1983 profile image

Wishing you lots of luck! X

Star15 profile image
Star15 in reply to Binky1983

Thanks! Hope you’re getting on well 😃 x

Binky1983 profile image
Binky1983 in reply to Star15

I’m getting on ok thanks. Slowly driving myself crazy waiting on a viability scan as miraculously managed to get pregnant on my own but other than that I’m ok! X

Star15 profile image
Star15 in reply to Binky1983

Many congratulations! How long do you have to wait for the scan? There’s always something to be waiting for isn’t there?! Hope the time passes quickly for you! X

SeaChange profile image

Best of luck starting the injections!

I’m slightly ahead of you, had the embryo transfer this morning.

I didn’t find too many side effects of the Gonal F and only suffered a bit more post egg collection with some OHSS.

My best advice is listen to your body, we will all be a little different so take time to do things for you, treat yourself a little and take it easy!

Star15 profile image
Star15 in reply to SeaChange

How exciting about your transfer! Hope you’re resting up for a while now! I’m at risk of OHSS too as my AMH is high so keeping fingers crossed it doesn’t happen as might mean a couple of months off treatment if I produce too many eggs... Clinic seem to think they’ll be able to control it if they see it starting by changing medication dose, although I’m already on a low dose. Did your OHSS mean you needed to take any time off from your treatment? How did it affect you? Had fish and chips and ice cream at the seaside today so definitely treating myself 😂 Back to be healthy diet tomorrow ha ha x

SeaChange profile image
SeaChange in reply to Star15

Fortunately I didnt have to take any time off the treatment, we were montiored every other day during the 2nd week of Gonal f injections and they reduced the dosage once as well as prescribing something to combat OHSS (called Cabergoline).

In terms of how it affected me my ovaries were big and I felt sore, they got so big there were touching! I had more OHSS issues post egg collection. I’d thought they would settle down immediately but turns out it can take a while particularly if you get more than 20 eggs, which we did. For me the symptoms have been a stitch like pain where my ovaries are when I first sit down, or when my bladder is too full or when I go to the loo. Other than that, feeling a bit nauseous and tired. So lots of sleep and rest required! They advised me to take it easy, sleep with two pillows (just in case there is any fluid build up), not eat anything spicey, rich or fatty (boring!) and not to knock my stomach.

Definitely taking it easy today, currently on the sofa while the OH makes some dinner! Sounds like you had a Lovely day.

Fingers crossed for your injections and that your ovaries behave themselves! Xx

Star15 profile image
Star15 in reply to SeaChange

I’m glad you didn’t need any time off treatment. Sounds like it’s been really uncomfortable for you despite the change in dosage and Cabergoline, hope it’s eased now. Hope you have been following their advice and taking things very easy! (Nice for someone else to tell you to relax!) My clinic have said if there are 35+ eggs I’ll need a couple of cycles off... After waiting this long that is not something I’d be happy about as you can guess! Am on low dose of Gonal-F and clinic will monitor me regularly so just need to have faith I guess! How did the egg transfer go? How are you feeling today? Hope you’re doing ok. Do you have any other tips about the IVF process? Did you change your diet at all? (Have seen posts about pineapple and pomegranate juice amongst other things!) Have a good Sunday 😃 x

SeaChange profile image
SeaChange in reply to Star15

Hey, definitely starting to feel much better today, sleeping for about 12 hours each night which is great!

Wow 35+ eggs, yes I imagine you would need some time to recover if you got that many. I know it wouldn't be your ideal situation, this whole process feels like a massive waiting game. Fingers crossed the low dosage and regular monitoring will keep things in check. How did you find the first injection? Our nurse recommended putting an ice cube on your belly for 5-10 mins prior so its completely numb for the needle (sorry I forgot to say this yesterday!). Not sure if it makes a difference because we never tried it without the ice cube, but I never found them too bad as long as the OH didn't do it too quickly.

The transfer went well, no complications and I feel pretty normal. I had a few cramps but thats to be expected I think so now just waiting and trying not to think too much about it (although of course I'm already looking up potential due dates..)

In terms of other tips, the ice cube thing worked for me, and other than that I've changed pretty much nothing. Over the years of TTC naturally we tried lots of stuff (different diets, exercise, sex positions) but I'm vegan and don't drink booze or caffeine anyway (how boring!). The thing I hated most was people telling me not to get stressed (which made me more stressed!) so I just did a lot of things for me, like nice walks and some good movies / chocolate.

Also honestly what has kept me sane has been about talking about things and not bottling feelings up.

How are you feeling today? xx

Star15 profile image
Star15 in reply to SeaChange

Thanks so much for your reply, it’s lovely to be in touch with people who understand what I’m going through! Glad you’ve been getting some good sleep! The injections are fine thanks. Great that your transfer went well, how’re you finding the dreaded 2WW so far?! Oh my goodness I’m completely with you on the feelings about people telling you to relax! If only it were that easy! Hope you’re doing ok 😃 x

SeaChange profile image
SeaChange in reply to Star15

Honestly the 2ww so far hasn’t been too bad! I haven’t had any symptoms or pains or bleeding so I’m assuming all is good. Just busying myself with other stuff and we’ll see!

Glad your injections haven’t been too bad. Hope you’re not having too many side effects. Xx

Star15 profile image
Star15 in reply to SeaChange

I think keeping busy is the way forward! Keep me posted about how you’re doing 😃 x

kirstyblue profile image

Well done on doing your first injection! I know how amazing that feels when you know your making progress and getting one step closer.

I had my eggs collected and frozen back in August (due to over stimulation I had to have a freeze all).

I am just waiting now for the go ahead to have my transfer as I am currently on meds. Fingers crossed this will be next week for me.

Good luck!! Keep us posted xx

Star15 profile image
Star15 in reply to kirstyblue

Thanks for your message 😃 Yes there are lots of steps to take during this whole thing, aren’t there?! Had scan on Wednesday and although there are lots of follicles they weren’t all that big so they upped my dose of Gonal-F. I have another scan tomorrow so fingers crossed that tomorrow they’ve grown and then they’ll put me on Cetrotide I think.

I’ve got polycystic ovaries so am at risk of OHSS too... hoping the clinic will keep on top of things and keep altering the meds so that doesn’t happen. How exciting that your transfer will be soon and maybe next week! Sure it’s felt like ages since August but also whizzed round?! Best of luck, let me know how you’re doing! X

Doglover7866 profile image

I’ve been through it 3 times and will just say do your jabs after a big dinner, I found it hurts less and don’t hesitate. You get used to it, believe me. Good luck xx

Star15 profile image
Star15 in reply to Doglover7866

Thanks for your reply. Any excuse for a big dinner is good with me 😂 The jabs have actually been fine, I read that some people find they sting/can bruise etc but I haven’t found that.

I saw your post from a couple of days ago - did the replies from people on the forum make you feel any better? How are you doing today? X

Doglover7866 profile image
Doglover7866 in reply to Star15

Loads better. It’s so good to know others understand what you’re going through. I don’t feel so isolated xx I wish you look with your cycle. Keep us posted x

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