I'm new here! I don't really know why I'm writing, I know nothing anybody says is going to make me feel and better!
I tested yesterday and found out my first round of IVF had failed! Everything was so perfect all the way along, I had 16 eggs, 10 fertilised and 3 made it to blastocyst stage! I had one top grade embryo put back in, the doctor said 1 was best to put back in as I was a high risk of twins, so we took their advice... Now I have no pregnancy let alone twins!! I'm heartbroken and I don't know what to do!! Every time people tell me, 'it's just how it goes sometimes with no explanation!' It doesn't help at all! I really thought this was our time after ttc for 5 years... But clearly not!! I just hate seeing people have children who don't deserve them and yet people like me and my husband who can give a baby a loving home and family are unable to do so