Hi. I'm new to this forum but felt compelled to join because I'm feeling quite stressed today. I had embryo transfer after 1st ivf cycle 8 days ago, I am aged 40. I am finding the waiting until Sunday, when I can test, so hard. I have felt loads of physical symptoms until today. The lack of physical symptoms today has worried me and I have been quite tearful. It's hard to concentrate on anything much and I'm just counting the minutes. Any encouragement or knowledge of what it is like would be appreciated. Thank you!
Having a battle with myself, ivf wait - Fertility Network UK
Having a battle with myself, ivf wait

No advice as I've not got that far yet, but good luck.

Thank you! That means a lot. Xxx
Hello and welcome 😊
It is a hard wait! Feels like it goes on forever! We can all relate to that here.
Try not to focus on symptoms if possible (I know that's easier said than done), you will drive yourself mad.
I suppose it's just doing anything ( not strenuous) that will occupy you until test day.
Wishing you lots of luck. Xxx
The only symptoms I had on two bfps were period pains. The second time it happened was one day before test day and I was so convinced I was getting af that I cried and told Hubby it was all over, that I knew my own body. I didn’t have nausea. I did have tender boobs but I get that every time I’m on the ivf meds. Don’t worry about the disappearing “symptoms” they may not have been symptoms anyway. The meds can play tricks on our minds and bodies. Your test day will soon be here. You’re doing really well xx
Thank you, that is a great encouragement xxx
I can understand what you're going through. The wai does seem to get endless. However, honestly speaking just stay patient. The more you concentrate on your symptoms the more you will stress out. Stay positive and remain calm. When I started visiting this clinic I was impressed that they were replying fast. I really wanted to visit a clinic that was good at communicating. However, everyone has to go through the waiting time. I did too! My clinic and the manager that was assigned to me did inform me about this. It is very difficult to remain patient but there is nothing else we can do. Good luck to you. I hope everything goes well for you. Sending baby dust your way. Do keep us updated.
I feel the same. I’ve stupidly tested and wish I hadn’t because I feel like it’s all over. I’m meant to test 13th but surely it’d be positive by now? 3 and 2dt x
I hope you have good news on the 13th! Thank you for showing your solidarity! xxx
Your hCG levels will no way be high enough to be detected in your urine until your test day xx
Thanks I’m an idiot. I’ve got no idea what I should be experiencing and 2 weeks feels like such a long time. 9 days to go and its torture xx
Its agony! My test day is also the 13th but I'm trying to keep as busy as possible and watching lots of good TV and relaxing in the evening. Try to think of it, when people get pregnant naturally they dont normally know they're pregnant until a period is missed (2 weeks after ovulation). Our test day is 2 weeks or so after egg collection. I fell pregnant naturally last year (sadly lost it at 11wks) and I got a negative test 1 day after my period was due and didn't get a positive until a week later, which probably means I ovulated late but it proved testing 'early' gave me a false negative. So dont give up hope yet. I gave the test to my boyfriend to hide so I can't test early xx
With my recent bfp, I had symptoms up till 9dp5dt and then they all disappeared. I even bled a little up till 11dp5dt. In my bfn cycle, my symptoms were similar pretty much throughout 2ww. The symptoms come and go and they really don't mean much. Try not to look into them too closely. Rest up and relax is really the best thing you can do now 🙂 hoping to hear some good news from you soon x
I didn't have a single symptom and I'd written off my cycle entirely. Now I'm sat here nursing my baby
Just try to have faith. If you have moments of doubt, try writing them down. Then forget them and move on. I did this. And I found it so helpful. It felt like I had addressed the doubt and I could be positive again
Best of luck. I hope you get your miracle,.
Hello. Im currently doing my 2 ww also. Its driving me crazy keep getting cramping and making me worried then the next i think its pessaries 🙈 honestly its the hardest part. This is my 2nd round of ivf xxxx
Thank you for getting in touch, I appreciate your gesture of solidarity and hope you get good news at the end of this wait. Xxx
Its a horrible time. Today i keep sitti g thinking well surely i would no if i was. It has to be a fail! Ha. My day is a week today. I had my transfer saturday gone so im a little behind u. I nearly caved and did a test earlier and then iv stopped my self xx
Hi, I'm also new on here & 40. I'm 4dp5dt and really feel your stress. I haven't had any symptoms other than half an hour of excruiating tummy and back pain 2dp5dt that took my breath away...now convinced that was my body rejecting the embies 😔. This is so hard but it is comforting to know I'm not alone in the 2WW madness!!
I hope you ladies survive the wkd (I'm think box set and biscuits are the only way). Baby dust for us all 😘 Xx
I feel your pain. The progesterone we take during the 2ww has such an impact on our bodies, it’s impossible to know either way. Try to take each day as it comes. I’m afraid each wait never gets easier- be it the 2ww or the wait til the viability scan once you have the BFP so try to use this time as practice for living in the moment and letting go of things that are outside your control. I don’t recall having a difference in symptoms for either of my 2ww- first was negative and second was positive and now 25 weeks pregnant. Good luck xxx

Thank you for this great advice. Wishing you well with your pregnancy. Congratulations! Xxx
Well done for not testing so far! You’re doing the right thing joining this forum. Helped me loads through the wait (although in the past I have tested as early at 2dp 🤦♀️) Wishing you the bestest of luck xx