Made a complete fool out of myself 😭 - Fertility Network UK

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Made a complete fool out of myself 😭

28 Replies

So today I went to the hairdressers to get my hair cut, my hairdresser knows about our fertility journey or some of it. Today she broke the news that she was pregnant, I managed to put a brave face on untill she said I remember what your going threw and you don't have to put a brave face on and pretend, well that was it the water works opened siiiggghh made worse by feeling such a fool and a right cow ☹. She was lovely though she just kept washing my hair and gave me a tissue . I feel so guilty now for getting so upset, I'm going to get her a little card and stick it threw the hairdressers door for her just apologising and congratulating her.

Why is this journey so tough last time I went to hairdressers id just gone through a miscarriage ( she doesn't know that). Life just seem to like to bitch slap us in the face


28 Replies
destiny121 profile image

Ahhhh bless you and what a lovely hairdresser!! No words really... but i know this journey sucks.... don’t feel silly it’s only natural to feel the way you did ..... big hugs xxx

in reply to destiny121

Thank you , I just feel guilty. She certainly is a lovely person and a good hairdresser too xx

Ah bless, I know this feeling all too well! It's so tough being caught in that horrible in-between place; happy for them but then feeling sad for you. Many times I have been scrolling through social media during lunchtime at work, or even sat in the nail bar once! & felt tears running down my face whilst reading what feels like yet ANOTHER pregnancy announcement. It's humiliating at the time, but usually the empathy of people makes you remember that your reaction is completely natural and acceptable - which it absolutely is. I'm sure your hairdresser will completely understand your reaction & will be grateful for your super thoughtful gift. Hope you feel better x

in reply to

Thank you, thank fully she is a lovely women. I think when your not expecting it as well, it makes it worse, I was just going for a lovely pampering and bamb.

I will feel better for giving her a card. Xx

TRYING2016 profile image

Its completely natural the way you feel, and you never really forget what your going through so when you hear pregnancy announcements all of a sudden it hits you hard. It just shows how much emotion you had hidden and how much you are still hurting, i hope you get good news soon and to post the card is a lovely decision xxx

in reply to TRYING2016

Thank you, this is certainly a way of life and you have to fight hard to not let it take over.

I think because I wasn't expecting it either it knocked the wind out my sails.


TRYING2016 profile image
TRYING2016 in reply to

It always happens when your not expecting it, and your allowed to feel the way you do xx

Cinderella5 profile image

Awww don't feel bad, you didn't make a fool of yourself at all! We all have our moments and I'm sure she was expecting you to be upset or she wouldn't have said what she did! Big hugs lovely!!😘xxx

in reply to Cinderella5

Thank you, she certainly caught me off guard, I think if she didn't know bits about what we are going through id of probably hid it better. Xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to

Still....its ok to not be ok! I actually don't think people realise how hard things are doing IVF! You shouldn't have to hide it honey, nobody should!xxxx

WeeMrsH profile image

Don’t feel bad at all! She’s clearly a kindly person and has good awareness of your feelings and lovely of her to be so understanding. She won’t hold anything against you so don’t be worrying. The card is a nice gesture and she will see you still wish her well and bear her no ill feeling. Don’t dwell, it happens to us all!!! xxx

in reply to WeeMrsH

Thank you, she certainly is a lovely person and a good hairdresser lol.


WeeMrsH profile image
WeeMrsH in reply to

My hairdresser is also someone I consider a friend and knows our issues. She’s a really easy person to talk to, and I always dreaded seeing her the first time after a loss (usually she didn’t know) or during an IVF cycle, as I could never trust myself not to let everything spill! Have a nice chilled night tonight, some trashy television, and put it behind you xx

in reply to WeeMrsH

Yeah she's like that too, I think it's nice sometimes to confide in someone that isn't too close she doesn't know every in and out but knows we are struggling.

Thank you, I plan on a large gin tonight as well xx

Oh don't feel guilty - she will understand. You just couldnt help it, it was something that you could not control.

You poor thing!!!


in reply to

Thank you, she is a lovely person, it's just not what you want to do though. Xx

Bluelady-sing profile image

Why did you confide in this hairdresser had known her for long?

I think it takes a very brave person to show such vulnerability as you did. x

Certain that your hairdresser will understand and it's lovely that she was sensitive to your feelings, so many people don't get it. You did well to be so honest, I see no fool! Lots of love xx

in reply to

Thank you, she certainly is lovely and seems to understand how I must of been feeling. Xx

7AVA profile image

It’s always when people are kind to me that I end up getting upset but recently, I feel like I’ve built a wall around my feelings. Well done you for being able to show your emotions to someone who obviously cares about you. Xxx

in reply to 7AVA

Thank you, the nicer she was the worse it was , we ended up discussing gin to get off the subject lol lol.

This journey is so tough and I can understand you building a wall too xx

Absolutely didn't make a fool of yourself! Well done for getting through that. Hope you had a good hair cut and sure you looked fab after that! X

in reply to

Thank you, definatly still got my hair cut , she did a fantastic job , we muddled through without mentioning baby's again xx

Joanna1701 profile image

Oh you poor thing! I know how you feel, my cousin also goes to the same hairdresser as me & luckily told me our hairdresser is pregnant during her haircut last week so I've cancelled my appointment that was due next week! I'm in the middle of the 2ww so I shan't be going to my hairdresser until I think I can emotionally!

I so wish it wasn't sprung on you, I feel for you

in reply to Joanna1701

Thank you , I'm feeling a bit better today.

Good decision to avoid hairdressers for a while, glad you cousin tipped you off.

Good luck on your 2ww I hope u get your BFP x

Caza2009 profile image

You haven’t made a fool out of yourself at all - your reaction was completely natural! Bless you! Hope you’re ok. Sending you loads of love xxxxx

in reply to Caza2009

Thank you, I'm feeling better and stronger today 😊 xx

Caza2009 profile image
Caza2009 in reply to

Glad you’re feeling better and stronger! Just remember how incredibly strong you are at even being on this journey! 💪🏼💪🏼 sending you loads of love and positive vibes 💕 xxxx

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