I’ve been for my first stims scan this morning and after 6 days of Menopur there were only 3 follicles, one 10mm, one 9mm and 5mm. The clinic have said that it’s really disappointing that I’m not responding to the meds and instead of dropping my dose down tonight as I was supposed too, I have to stay on the higher dose and see if it has progressed at all by Wednesday morning and if there’s no real progression they will have to cancel the cycle 😢. I know that this can happen but I’m devastated as I just can’t see how things can change that much between now and Wednesday morning. My OH is being really supportive, but I’m struggling to find my positive pants never mind put them on! If I don’t respond and it get cancels where the hell do we go from there if I don’t respond to the bloody stuff they give us! Sorry for the rant just feeing a bit lost right now and Wednesday feels too close yet so far away at the same time x x x
Only 3 Follicles, struggling to find ... - Fertility Network UK
Only 3 Follicles, struggling to find my positive pants!!

HI, I had my first Action scan this morning too - we've only got three as well and came out feeling deflated.....We're doing exactly the same process / drug doses as round 2 so altho fully expecting to have a few action scans, it is still disheartening....our three are on my left side, there were a few small ones on the right side but that side wasn't too easy to scan this morning. Feeling flat and fed up too.
It’s just rubbish isn’t it, you feel so hopeless as there’s nothing you seem to be able to do to improve the situation, just injecting the meds and hoping for the best. I’ve got 2 on one side and one on the other. But what seems to be baffling me, is when I first ever had 3 day and 21 day bloods and my first ever scan to check out what was going on I had 7 follicles naturally, so with all these meds where the bloody hell have they gone! I know it’s no consolation hunny, but your not on your own I’m right here with you feeling pants today , sending much love 😘
I should add to that, that I know your follicles don’t just stay there and the number change each month, I’m just baffled how one month with no meds there were 7 and this time around with all this help there’s only 3!! X x
Hubby's been off today cause of the bank holiday, so lots of hugs and tea today. Even went and bought me a chocolate orange when he nipped out. Sometimes you just can't beat tea and chocolate....
Aww My hearts with u today. It's not over yet, keep your chin up. I'm just starting my second round of ivf. I had uncertain failure in ovarian response last time. They can do more tests to try and find out why and help going forward. I wish u all the luck in the world xxx

Thanks hunny, do you know what type of tests they do? It just feels a bit hopeless right now, which I know is really negative and I’ll probably feel a lot more positive after a nights sleep. Good luck with your second round x x x
I got blood tests that checked for about 20 different things. Thyroid, iron levels, etc They started me on vitamins and have changed the protocol to a new drug this time. Who knows what will happen but we have to keep trying xxx one day xxx

Thanks hunny, I know they have to deal with the here and now I’m the clinic, but when you have appointments when things don’t go to plan it just leads to so many other questions going around in your head! I hope they get this round just right for you ♥️
Hi, I sympathise so much, I have low ovarian reserve and always feel so crappy after a scan if I only see a couple of follicles....my next cycle is next month. A scan in June showed 5 follicles, in July only 2, I'm hoping so hard that next month is at the higher end of the scale at baseline, but am dreading it, if I'm honest! It is possible something will improve in the next few days. I my first cycle numbers jumped from 2 to 4 in the last days of stimulation. Lots of luck and hugs x
I know it’s probably not the same but on my second follicle scan I wasn’t responding as well as I had on my first round by that stage. They’d talked about upping my dose but by my next scan two days later, all was progressing as it should. I get why you’d be upset but hopefully you’ll get a good growth spurt 🤞🏻 xx
I am one of those low AMH’ers, and for my first round of long protocol ivf (NHS) I only had 4 follicles and at my second scan only one of them was looking like it was responding to the stims enough, they upped my menopur slightly for the last couple of days and I made it to EC with just the one egg, which fertilised, and after a two-day embryo transfer I am miraculously now 12 weeks pregnant. It’s such a cliche but it really is about quality not quantity, and it does only take one!
Stay positive. It’s so hard when you read about others journeys, especially those who have higher follicle/egg counts, but it can still be a success. My little embryo is proof of that x
PabloVA thank you so much for reply, this is really what I needed to hear, I’m going to go root out my positive pants, give myself a kick up the backside and if I start feeling sorry for myself I shall remember you and your little bean 😊 I hope your pregnancy is going well and thank you so much I’d be lost without you ladies ♥️ x x x
Hey, you’re my fellow cycle buddy! I know it’s tough going, but you’ve gotta keep the faith 💕
So much can change in a couple of days. Will keep my fingers crossed 🤞 for you 💕 xx
Thanks hunny, I am genuinely fed better after reading all these posts, there’s no point wallowing in it, it’s not over until EC get cancelled lol! How are you getting on Hun? X x
Glad you’re feeling abit better.. exactly! No point worrying about stuff we can’t change... easier said than done, I know.
I went for my scan and bloods today. Ive got some growth on my left side, but not a lot going on the right hand side (the opposite to my last cycle). I’ve started on the morning injection now and then back on Wednesday for a further scan and bloods. Keep us posted 💕 xx
So sorry to hear this. Honestly we really all our living our worst nightmares. I’ve done 3 rounds of ivf and I found that menopur was the drug I responded least to. Gonal f was the stimm that I responded best to. Please god your cycle won’t be cancelled but if it is maybe talk to them about a different stimm for next time. Sending luck and hugs xx