Hey ladies I had final scan yesterday and my 3 follicles I have are at 18 17 and 13 I injected last night as normal so I’d imagine there a tad bigger today maybe ?? I just wondered if the smaller follicle would be counted or just go on the thinking I have two good ones which ups our chances of at least one getting us pregnant .Sorry if I’m being naive I’m getting really irritable as the day approaches we put our hearts and souls into this trying to conceive that the pain in my heart cuts me like a knife although I’m trying to remain calm and upbeat about our chances xx lots of fabulous positives this week I’m just itching to join that lovely line of lucky women and still I hope and pray for everyone else to achieve there goals too because other people’s happiness helps me believe if I’m happy for others that god will shine that fortunate happiness on me too xx
3 follicles but at what size do they ... - Fertility Network UK
3 follicles but at what size do they really count
18mm and above good luck 🍀
Best to get the oestrogen test to make sure the follicle has an egg in it. I got it done Just to make sure.
Hey Hun. They grow up to 1mm in 24 hours so you will definitely have more growth. Also I was told they collect all eggs no matter what the size, if there is an egg in there they will collect it and see how mature it is. Good luck and keep us posted. Sending you lots of egg growing vibes xxx.
My clinic said everything from 14mm onwards can possibly have an egg in it and they like them most when bigger than 18mm because those most probably have an egg. So if you trigger today, you will most probably have 2 but maybe 3 Hope all goes well!
Good luck for today Noah1981 , hoping this is your lucky turn! 🍀😃 Xx
Thank you xx
I don’t know much about follicle sizes but just wanted to say good luck for tomorrow! 😘
I would have thought your 2 big ones will make it for fertilsation but not so sure about the smaller one however Im not that up on IUI in all honesty! Good luck lovely.xx