Fluid around C-section scar - Fertility Network UK

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Fluid around C-section scar

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13 Replies


At my monitoring scan yesterday the nurse said there was some fluid round my C-section scar and that this was quite common. She took a picture and said she’d show it to the doctor. I didn’t think much of it at the time and can’t even really remember if the nurse mentioned it again when she came back, but have done a bit of reading about it and am now worried the fluid might be affecting implantation and that this should’ve been picked up before and maybe treated before we had got to our fifth cycle of Clomid... The nurses have always commented on the scar at previous scans but nobody has ever mentioned fluid before. Maybe it’s been missed or maybe it’s not a concern but obviously I’m worried about it now.

We have an appointment with specialist on Wednesday so will obviously talk to them about it then but does anyone have any experience/advice in the meantime?

Thanks for any help 😃

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13 Replies

I don’t have any experience but wanted to wish you well. It must be very frustrating & Id be annoyed too if I thought I’d wasted precious opportunities and definitely voice my concerns to my consultant. Perhaps they let you have more rounds?

Usually with free fluid they recommend a hysteroscopy to have a closer look.

Good luck for Wednesday xoxo

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Thanks Jess. I’m definitely going to be talking to the consultant about it this week. Will not be happy if it’s been missed up to now and all the rounds of Clomid have been for nothing... Not sure if they’d give me more Clomid after this round due to the way it thins the lining, plus we are due to start ivf in October if this round fails... but maybe what I need first is intervention for this fluid, who knows! Hoping that they will reassure me at the appointment. I will be asking about whether a hysteroscopy would be beneficial. I just hate feeling so out of control with the whole thing...

How are things with you? X

Definitely get the fluid looked at before proceeding with IVF. I agree it’s a bit naughty no one has done anything until now 🙄 Hopefully you will get answers Wednesday 👍

This journey is unbelievably tough going. It can feel relentless..

I’m okay waiting for my period to arrive; had some spotting Friday but nothing since & it’s due tomorrow. I’m getting annoyed with it I know I’m out & I want to start the next cycle 🙂 We have decided to try clomid again as my fertility doctor suggested it as an option & I brought ovulation tests & a thermometer which has arrived today 👌🏻

Let me know how you get on at your appointment xoxo

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Yes fingers crossed that I feel reassured after Wednesday... Hopefully they say it’s fine and nothing to worry about or offer us tests if needed to see if the fluid is an issue before we have any more treatment. Would be awful to have gone through all these rounds of Clomid for nothing and definitely don’t want to start IVF if there’s any chance the fluid is impacting on things. Just when you think you’ve got your head around everything...!

Has your period arrived? I always think it’s good to have a plan about what will be next and it sounds like you’re positive about the Clomid which is good. Hope your period arrives soon so you can get going with the next cycle. Keep me updated about how you’re doing. Sounds like you’ve been through so much, I have my fingers crossed for you 😀


in reply to Star15

Thank you.

I hope you haven’t had wasted opportunities with clomid that would be heartbreaking & I’d complain to PALS.

No yet but I’m sure it will come. I’ve got a thermometer yesterday & I’m starting to do a temperature chart to track my cycles.

Did you use ovulation tests with clomid? I’ve brought some clearblue digital ones which only detect Lh surge.

Let me know how your appointment goes. xoxo

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I was using a Clearblue advanced fertility monitor for ages, from when we were trying without any help to the first few rounds with Clomid but rather than waiting for a natural surge the clinic were telling me when to take the trigger shot (by looking at how things were going on the monitoring scan) which obviously affected the reading on the monitor so I stopped using it. This time they asked me to wait for the natural surge then take the trigger shot, typically I hadn’t used the Clearblue this month so had to rely on the hard-to-read strips the clinic gave me! What fun and games this whole thing is 😂 Will you be having monitoring scans?

I really hope the temperature and ovulation monitoring works and you get your positive test soon x

in reply to Star15

Thank you.

How annoying for you ; I find the strips way too hard to detect! The ⚪️ or 😁 so much easier!

I used my clearblue monitor but because of my endometriosis I have high estrogen & can miss my LH Surge on occasions.

My clinic don’t offer any monitoring during clomid. Never heard of doing a trigger shot with clomid. Funny how clinics do things differently.

Periods here now thank goodness & can try again xoxo

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Hey Jess

The appointment with the consultant was as expected really, filled in about a million forms and will be starting IVF in October if this last round of Clomid fails. Lots of decisions to make about how many rounds we pay for etc as we are self-funding... All a bit of a gamble as obviously nobody has any idea of how long it will take/whether it will work and how we will feel about it in terms of how many cycles we can cope with. She reassured me about the fluid round my scar in that it may have affected some of the Clomid cycles (maybe comes and goes as hasn’t been seen on all my scans) but won’t affect IVF as they can be very careful about positioning during transfer.

We are being realistic about the chances of fifth round of Clomid not working so trying to look ahead to October and IVF now. Consultant seems quite positive about our chances given that we’ve managed to conceive naturally before.

Glad to hear your period has arrived and that you can crack on soon! You’ll soon be back in that TTC window again!

Hope you have a good weekend x

in reply to Star15

Glad you got some positives from the appointment & it won’t affect IVF ( hopefully you won’t need it) I hope you feel more reassured by the appointment? When are starting your last round? It always helps me knowing there is a “back up plan.”

I’m started my clomid on Tuesday & tomorrow is the last pill for this month. Hoping it makes a difference. I’m also temperature Charting as well as the dreaded ovulation tests 🙈 Ive got the “hot flushes” how did I forget about them 🤣& am sat outside with a glass of wine whilst hubby is inside and looking at me like I’m crazy 🤣

I’m sure you will do it again & be all worth fighting for 👌🏻keep believing 😍✨🌟❤️ xoxo

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Yes I do feel reassured, we are in the dreaded 2ww now after last Clomid but I think we are just focusing on the fact that we know when the IVF will be starting if it fails. We’ve also booked a holiday just before the IVF start date so will hopefully be nice and relaxed going into the start of treatment!

How has the Clomid been, have you had any side effects? Sorry about the hot flushes, made me laugh about you being sat outside with a glass of wine! Hope you enjoyed it!

Keeping my fingers crossed that the Clomid works for you x

in reply to Star15

Glad you feel better for seeing your consultant & she gave you reassurance. Sometimes we need that!

Definitely always helps me knowing there are other options available. Takes the pressure off a bit 👌🏻

A holiday before treatment sounds the ticket! Where are you going? We did that before our first appointment with our fertility doctor & it really relaxed us 🙂

Haha I did enjoy it, hubby was getting cold with the doors being open! 🤣

I’ve had hot flushes & breast pain, I’m still bleeding lightly.At least it shows it’s working?!

I should be seeing my fertility doctor next month but haven’t had an appointment come through yet. He did write a few weeks after my surgery to wish me well & his secretary was arranging an appointment. I think it’s because the endo surgeon had to treat my belly button ( they are colleagues) Currently free ranging without him, we aren’t great on our own 🤣 hello dr google?! 🤣 I have no idea of the extent of my endo, no one has told me very much🙈 Hopefully we will have a few months endo free & be able to conceive. 🤞🏻

The dreaded 2ww 😬 how long have you got to go?! xoxo

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Any reassurance on this crazy journey is good, isn’t it?!

We are going to Crete. Won’t be the most relaxing with our very active three year old 😂 But looking forward to the downtime and time as a family.

Sorry to hear about the breast pain and bleeding, hope that’s not too bad for you. It was nice of your fertility doctor to write to you to wish you good luck. As you say, hopefully the endo has gone for now and it will be your time.

Think I ovulated last Sunday/Monday so I think I’ll test either a week on Monday or Tuesday. I’m taking Cyclogest which stops my periods starting/spotting etc so lack of bleeding doesn’t mean anything at the moment! Not feeling quite the same about the wait this time because we know we are booked in for IVF but if course I’m hoping deep down we might be pregnant and a negative test will still be awful as usual. But will cross that bridge when we come to it!

A slight annoyance is that we are going to a wedding next weekend - I won’t be able to drink and chances are I’m still not pregnant 😂 At least I’ll know one way or the other before we go on holiday so I can have a drink or two if it’s a negative test.

More wine for you tonight? 😃 x

in reply to Star15

Sorry just got home, we went shopping 🙂

Haha I probably will be! 🥂7 years into this journey & I’m done with denying myself on the pretence I might be pregnant! The way I see it is other women do far worse than the odd glass of wine & conceive! I think stress is more harmful. The moment I get a positive test not one drop would pass my lips 🙂

Ie the wedding I don’t believe one or two glasses would do any harm, but obviously that is your decision.

I’m well used to bleeding, do it a lot between cycles with endo 🙄 for some women it would be a sign of pregnancy me it means nothing!

My fertility doctor has issued me on cyclogest & prednisone if I’m pregnant. He’s such a lovely man always believes in us when we feel ready to give up!

Crete sounds lovely & will do you good getaway 😊

At least there is lots of nice things to look forward to after 2ww ( I know it’s not much consolation) I hate the waiting to see if it’s coming on tender hooks, it’s truly awful. I’m better once period is here & try to see it as another opportunity to get pregnant. I won’t be beaten!

Are you doing a temperature chart? I’ve just started doing one & there is way to know if you’ve conceived. 😏Apparently your temperature drops before you start your period & if you’re pregnant it stays the same! xoxo

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